Rates of beta-oxidation of fatty acids of various chain lengths and degrees of unsaturation in highly purified peroxisomes isolated from rat liver

Autor: David S. Chance, Michael McIntosh
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part B, Biochemistrymolecular biology. 109(2-3)
ISSN: 1096-4959
Popis: Highly purified peroxisomes were obtained from the liver of untreated rats, and rates of peroxisomal beta-oxidation were measured using fatty acyl-CoAs differing in chain length and degree of unsaturation. A 20–24-fold purification of peroxisomes, indicated by the specific activities of the marker enzymes catalase and urate oxidase, respectively, was obtained from crude liver homogenate using differential centrifugation techniques followed by a 30% Nycodenz gradient separation. The use of a 30% Nycodenz gradient in the final step of purification was extremely effective (e.g. 5.5-fold reduction) in removing lysosomal contamination. The rate of peroxisomal beta-oxidation with lauroyl-CoA (C12:0) as substrate was the highest of all fatty acyl-CoAs tested. Butyryl-CoA (C4:0) was not oxidized by purified peroxisomes. In general, as chain length of the fatty acyl-CoAs increased above 12 carbons, the rates of beta-oxidation decreased.
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