Real Space Visualization of Entangled Excitonic States in Charged Molecular Assemblies

Autor: Pablo Merino, Jiří Doležal, Prokop Hapala, Rodrigo Cezar De Campos Ferreira, Sofia Canola, Martin Švec
Přispěvatelé: Czech Grant Agency, Charles University (Czech Republic), European Commission, Comunidad de Madrid
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
ISSN: 1936-086X
Popis: 7 pags., 4 figs.
Entanglement of excitons holds great promise for the future of quantum computing, which would use individual molecular dyes as building blocks of their circuitry. Studying entangled excitonic eigenstates emerging in coupled molecular assemblies in the near-field with submolecular resolution has the potential to bring insight into the photophysics of these fascinating quantum phenomena. In contrast to far-field spectroscopies, near-field spectroscopic mapping permits direct identification of the individual eigenmodes, type of exciton coupling, including excited states otherwise inaccessible in the far field (dark states). Here we combine tip-enhanced spectromicroscopy with atomic force microscopy to inspect delocalized single-exciton states of charged molecular assemblies engineered from individual perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) molecules. Hyperspectral mapping of the eigenstates and comparison with calculated many-body optical transitions reveals a second low-lying excited state of the anion monomers and its role in the exciton entanglement within the assemblies. We demonstrate control over the exciton coupling by switching the assembly charge states. Our results reveal the possibility of tailoring excitonic properties of organic dye aggregates for advanced functionalities and establish the methodology to address them individually at the nanoscale.
S.C., R.C.C.F., M.Š ., and J.D. acknowledge the Czech grant agency funding no. 20-18741S and the Charles University Grant Agency project no. 910120. P.M. thanks the ERC Synergy Program (grant no. ERC-2013- SYG-610256, Nanocosmos) for financial support and the “Comunidad de Madrid” for its support to the FotoArt-CM Project (S2018/NMT-4367) through the Program of R&D activities between research groups in Technologies 2013, cofinanced by European Structural Funds.
Databáze: OpenAIRE