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espanolEl siglo XVIII supone un periodo de cambios y transformaciones basadas en la ciencia y la filosofia conocidas como "La Ilustracion", iniciandose en Espana dicho movimiento con la llegada al trono del primer Rey Borbon, Felipe V. La Armada Espanola no fue ajena a tales procesos evolutivos e innovadores, y asi, el 1 de enero de 1725 se publican las conocidas como "Ordenanzas de Patino", legislacion que regulaba las funciones administrativas y el regimen economico de la Marina de Guerra Espanola, recogiendo, entre otras cuestiones, las obligaciones de todos los integrantes de su Cuerpo administrativo, correspondiendoles ademas el honor de ser las primeras de una serie de Ordenanzas y disposiciones promulgadas a lo largo del siglo XVIII con la misma finalidad. En el contexto descrito, el presente trabajo analiza la normativa en materia de administracion de la Armada Espanola a lo largo del siglo XVIII a traves del examen de la documentacion administrativa de una expedicion realizada durante dicho periodo para la redencion de cautivos, comprobando la aplicacion de las normas reguladoras de las practicas administrativas de la epoca para el caso real comentado. La expedicion citada se inicia con un primer viaje en 1768 concluyendo con una segunda travesia en 1769, destacando la Armada Espanola a diversos buques que partiendo del puerto de Cartagena se dirigieron a Argel con el objetivo de obtener la liberacion de prisioneros espanoles a traves del canje y rescate a cambio de dinero, estando financiada la operacion por varias Ordenes religiosas. La documentacion de la expedicion, relacionada con la intervencion de la Armada, se encuentra depositada en el Archivo Naval de Cartagena, ubicado en las dependencias del Arsenal Militar de dicha ciudad, contando con la singularidad de constar no solo lo concerniente a la expedicion naval como tal, sino tambien con documentacion relativa a las operaciones de canje y pago por la liberacion de presos. El trabajo persigue no solo persigue la verificacion del cumplimiento formal de la normativa administrativa de la epoca, sino ademas el estudio y analisis de los datos que ofrece la propia contabilidad, para a traves de ellos conocer una mejor imagen de la realidad de la expedicion realizada. EnglishThe 18th century was the scenary of a period of changes based on thought and science. These changes gave name to the period, which was known as The Enlightenment. The Enlightenment began in Spain with the enthronement of Philip V, the first Spanish King of the Bourbons House. The Spanish Navy was also involved in the changes and innovation process. A product of this involment was the "Patino Ordinance" promulgated on January 1, 1725. These regulations ruled the administrative functions and the economic aspectsof the Spanish war navy. Among other questions they prescribed the obligations of all members of its Admnistrative Corps. They were the first of the succession of Ordinances and Regulations issued along the 18th century with the same purpose. In this context the present paper analyses the administrative regulations of the Spanish Navy in the course of the 18h century taking as starting point the documentation originated by an expedition made during this period in order to rescue some captives, by checking whether the administrative rules were correctly applied in the case studied. The expedition under study began with a first travel in 1768 and finished with a second voyage in 1769. For the purpose of the expedition the Spanish Navy assign several vessels that departing from Cartagena were heading for Algiers with the aim of obtaining the freeing of some Spanish prisoners through exchange or ransom. The operation was financed by several religious orders. The documentation related to the intervention of the Spanish Navy is custodied at the Naval Archive of Cartagena, that is located at the Navy Headquarters of the city. The documents do not only concern to the naval expedition as such, but also to the operations of exchange and payment for the release of the prisoners. This paper aims not only to verify the formal performance of the existing administrative regulations, but also the examination and analysis of the data offered the related accounting, in order to know better through them the reality of the expedition. |