Dvasinės pratybos, metaforologija ir filosofinis konsultavimas

Autor: Lina Vidauskytė
Jazyk: litevština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Logos (Vilnius) 2021, 108, p. 68-75.
ISSN: 0868-7692
Popis: The aim of this article is to analyze the possibilities of applying metaphorology in philosophical counseling, based on the philosophical insights of Hans Blumenberg and Pierre Hadot. Metaphorology, or non-conceptual theory, is a direction marked by Blumenberg, the possibility of which is completely unexplored in philosophical counseling. Hadot is primarily known for his exceptionally original interpretation of Ancient Philosophy and his entrenched conception of spiritual exercises. The concepts are difficult to apply in a specific existential situation, but metaphors are focused on human imagery and are a kind of gestalt of reality, icons. Spiritual exercises perceived as a philosophical way of life help to concretize the theory, to apply it in life situations. Santrauka. Šio straipsnio tikslas yra aptarti metaforologijos taikymo galimybes filosofinėje praktikoje, remiantis Hanso Blumenbergo ir Pierre’o Hadot filosofinėmis įžvalgomis. Metaforologija, arba ne-konceptualumo teorija, yra Blumenbergo nužymėta kryptis, kurios galimybė filosofiniame konsultavime yra visiškai netyrinėtos. Hadot pirmiausiai yra žinomas dėl savo išskirtinai originalios Antikos filosofijos traktuotės ir įtvirtintos dvasinių pratybų sampratos. Kitaip nei sąvokos, metaforos orientuotos į žmogišką vaizduotę ir yra savotiški tikrovės geštaltai, vaizdiniai. Dvasinės pratybos suvoktos kaip filosofinis gyvenimo būdas padeda konkretizuoti teoriją, ją taikyti gyvenimiškose situacijose.
The aim of this article is to analyze the possibilities of applying metaphorology in philosophical counseling, based on the philosophical insights of Hans Blumenberg and Pierre Hadot. Metaphorology, or non-conceptual theory, is a direction marked by Blumenberg. Its possibility of is completely unexplored in philosophical counseling. Hadot is primarily known for his exceptionally original interpretation of Ancient Philosophy and his entrenched conception of spiritual exercises. The concepts are difficult to apply in a specific existential situation, but metaphors focus on human imagery and are a kind of gestalt of reality. Spiritual exercises perceived as a philosophical way of life help to concretize the theory and to apply it in life situations.
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