Investigating Sterile Neutrino Flux in the Solar Neutrino Data

Autor: Ankush, Gazal Sharma, Bhag C. Chauhan, Rishu Verma
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Advances in High Energy Physics
Advances in High Energy Physics, Vol 2019 (2019)
Popis: There are compelling evidences for the existence of a fourth degree of freedom of neutrinos i.e. sterile neutrino. In the recent studies the role of sterile component of neutrinos has been found to be crucial, not only in particle physics, but also in astrophysics and cosmology. This has been proposed to be one of the potential candidates of dark matter. In this work we investigate the updated solar neutrino data available from all the relevant experiments including Borexino and KamLAND solar phase in a model independent way, and obtain bounds on the sterile neutrino component present in the solar neutrino flux. The mystery of the missing neutrinos is further deepening as subsequent experiments are coming up with their results. The energy spectrum of solar neutrinos, as predicted by Standard Solar Models (SSM), is seen by neutrino experiments at different parts as they are sensitive to various neutrino energy ranges. It is interesting to note that more than $98\%$ of the calculated standard model solar neutrino flux lies below $1MeV$. Therefore, the study of low energy neutrinos can give us better understanding and the possibility to know about the presence of antineutrino and sterile neutrino components in solar neutrino flux. As such, this work becomes interesting as we include the data from medium energy ($\sim 1MeV$) experiments i.e. Borexino and KamLAND solar phase. In our study we retrieve the bounds existing in literature, and rather provide more stringent limits on sterile neutrino($\nu_{s}$) flux available in solar neutrino data.
Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 10 tables. Results and discussion section (section 4) restructured, Two Tables (Now Table 6 and Table 10) are added, Tables 8-12 are combined and now which is Table 9, Conclusions Re-written, Two more references added (Ref 46 and 47)
Databáze: OpenAIRE