Externally excited planar dust acoustic shock waves in a strongly coupled dusty plasma under microgravity conditions

Autor: Oleg F. Petrov, H. Höfner, Martin Fink, Gregor E. Morfill, A. Usachev, A. V. Zobnin, Markus H. Thoma, Vladimir E. Fortov, A. V. Ivlev
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: New Journal of Physics
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/16/5/053028
Popis: The formation and dissipation of an externally excited planar dust acoustic shock wave in a three-dimensional uniform dust cloud has been observed under microgravity conditions. The experiment has been performed in the dc gas discharge chamber ?Plasma Kristall-4? (Fortov et al 2005 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47 B537) on board the A300 Zero-G airplane. The shock Mach number and compression factor reached 3.5 and 6, correspondingly, with a shock width of about the interparticle distance. Due to the utilization of the polarity-switching dc discharge mode and application of the Rankine?Hugoniot relations, the dust particle electrostatic pressure was determined and the Hugoniot percussive adiabat for the dust subsystem was derived. The obtained data were simulated using thermodynamic properties of highly nonideal Debye?H?ckel (Yukawa) systems. Comparison of the experimental and simulated data has demonstrated that the screening length in a dense dusty plasma is not determined by the total ion number density, but rather by those ?effective? ions which are not bounded by negatively charged dust grains. Thus, this work presents a new experimental approach for the investigation of the dense dusty plasma clouds.
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