Parental effects influence life history traits and covary with an environmental cline in common frog populations

Autor: Will Sowersby, Anssi Laurila, Alex Richter-Boix, Martin I. Lind, Björn Rogell, Piotr K. Rowiński, Karl Gotthard, Simon Eckerström-Liedholm
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Oecologia
ISSN: 1432-1939
DOI: 10.1007/s00442-020-04642-8
Popis: Across latitudinal clines, the juvenile developmental rates of ectotherms often covary with the length of the growing season, due to life-history trade-offs imposed by the time-constrained environments. However, as the start of the growing season often varies substantially across years, adaptive parental effects on juvenile developmental rates may mediate the costs of a delayed season. By employing a meta-analysis, we tested whether larval developmental rates across a latitudinal cline of the common frog (Rana temporaria) are affected by fluctuating onsets of breeding, across years. We predicted that larval developmental rate will be inversely related to the onset of breeding, and that northern populations will be more prone to shorten their developmental rate in response to late breeding, as the costs of delayed metamorphosis should be highest in areas with a shorter growing season. We found that the larval period of both northern and southern populations responded to parental environmental conditions to a similar degree in absolute terms, but in different directions. In northern populations, a late season start correlated with decreased development time, suggesting that the evolution of parental effects aids population persistence in time-constrained environments. In southern populations, late season start correlated with increased development time, which could potentially be explained as a predator avoidance strategy. Our findings suggest that local ecological variables can induce adaptive parental effects, but responses are complex, and likely trade-off with other ecological factors. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1007/s00442-020-04642-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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