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T HE importance of the hand has b’een compared with that of the brain in human economy. However important may be the brain, the functiona efforts consummated by the hand are so imperative for maintenance of life and the creation of new things of Iife that the hand makes a fair bid for the supreme station. As life becomes more and more industrialized the uses of the hand become more manifoId and highly speciaIized. It is natura1 aIso with the increased use of the hand and the increased speed of modern industry that the hand is IiabIe to more frequent injury than any other part of the body. Industrial injury demands immediate consideration of the states of present and future disabiIity. In other words the fuI1 mechanism of workmen’s compensation is pIaced in motion. It is to the empIoyee’s, empIoyer’s and the insurance carrier’s benefit to get the worker back to work with as IittIe permanent disabiIity as possible in the shortest period of time. Most states have set up eIaborate scheduIes and fee tabIes to cover most a11 traumatic work; however, there is no state at present that recognizes deformity or Ioss of a nai1 as a disabiIity, either partial or tota1. A disabiIity may be defined as “the inabiIity to work with the same degree of ease and comfort as before the injury was sustained.” Only two states recognize disfigurement of the hand as a compensable disabiIity. If the injured digit is considered when a11 joints are functioning and the nai1 onIy is deformed or a vestige of its former seIf, it wouId require a very caIIous referee and doctor to swear there is no permanent disabiIity. There is a disabiIity, especiaIIy if the hand has been trained for delicate precision work or if it is empIoyed in the arts of acting or modeIing. It is certain that NEW YORK |