Ophionyssus schreibericolus Moraza, sp. n

Autor: Moraza, María L., Irwin, Nancy R., Godinho, Raquel, Baird, Stuart J. E., Bellocq, Joëlle Goüy De
Rok vydání: 2009
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6218045
Popis: Ophionyssus schreibericolus Moraza sp. n. (Figs. 1���8) Material examined. Holotype. Female: Malcata province, Portugal, from a female of Lacerta schreiberi, May 2007, lizard ID Lag07- 57, latitude 40 �� 19 ' 20 " N, longitude 6 �� 50 ' 58 " W, (deposited in Museo de Zoolog��a, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Navarra, MZUNAV). Paratypes from same province and host species (see Table 1): 3 males from same locality and data as holotype, 2 females, 1 male and 134 protonymphs, deposited in Museo de Zoolog��a, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Navarra, MZUNAV; 1 female, 1 male and 4 protonymphs deposited in the Acarology Laboratory of Ohio State University, OSAL; 6 protonymphs deposited in the Departamento de Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Colecci��n de Tejidos y ADN (Madrid, Spain). Holotype and paratypes were collected from 25 specimens of Lacerta schreiberi (8 females, 15 males, 2 unknown sex) (Table 1). Diagnosis. Female dorsal shield 700 long, 259 wide (ratio length/width is 2.7); with 12���13 pairs of smooth setae: setae z 2, s 5 always off the shield; Z 5 on or off the shield; genital shield ca. 329 long, anteriorly with a triangular epigynial membranous lobe; peritremes extend to middle of coxa II; male femur III with strong, finger-like ventral spur and 16���19 pairs of setae on dorsal shield. Protonymph: pentagonal podonotal shield 230 long, 230 wide with 11 pairs of setae, pygidial shield ca. 76 long, ca. 103 wide, with 3 pairs of setae (J 4, Z 4, Z 5), 2 posterior pairs subequal in length; 4 large and 8 minute intermediate mesonotal shields. Description. Adult female. Dorsal idiosoma (Fig. 1). Dorsal shield 679���700 long, 249���259 wide at level of z 4, 147 at level of J 1 and 66 wide at posterior level (ratio length/ max. width = 2.7), covered with network of punctuate polygonal cells. The shield bears 12���13 pairs of dorsal setae: j 1 (48), j 2 ca. 67, j 3 -j 5 ca. 41, j 6 ca. 37, J 1 37, J 2 ca. 30, J 4 ca. 30; setae z 2 (82), s 5 (56) and Z 5 (33) on or off shield, on soft cuticle; other dorsal setae on soft cuticle (63���74); marginal unsclerotized cuticle hypertrichous, with dorsal setae slightly thicker. Ten pairs of discernible pore-like structures (5 podonotal, 5 opisthonotal), of which 7 (3 podonotal, 4 opisthonotal) superficially appear non-secretory (lyrifissures) and 3 (2 podonotal and 1 opisthonotal) are secretory (gland pores). At least other 5 discernible lyrifissures on soft dorsal cuticle. Ventral idiosoma (Fig. 2). Sternal shield trapezoidal, 41 long at middle and 50 long at level of posterior corners, 101 wide at anterior margin and 120���125 wide at posterior margin; shield with st 1 (39 long) and st 2 (54 long) smooth, and 2 pairs of lyrifissures (lyrifissures iv 1, iv 2); setae st 3 and st 4 (47 long) on soft cuticle; distance st 1 -st 1 54, st 2 -st 2 102 and st 1 -st 3 106. Genital shield with anterior border membranous with a triangular lobe which extends to middle of sternal shield; total length, including lobe, 290���329, width at level of st 4 82���120, at level of st 5 31���61 wide; genital setae (43 long) and lyrifissures off the shield, between coxae IV. Endopodal strips between coxae I and II and between coxae II and II absent; endopodal IV well developed, fused with peritrematal shield bearing glands gv 2. Metapodal shields present. Anal shield narrow, 143 long, 79���87 wide; circumanal setae 44 long; glands gv 3 at level of post-anal seta; cribrum present; anal valves nude. Opisthogastric region markedly hypertrichous, with ventral setae smooth, thin, 39���54 long. Peritrematal shield reduced, fused with endopodal IV, with two pairs of distinctive lyrifissures ip; peritremes narrow, 190 long (including the stigmata), extending to middle of coxae II. O. schreibericolus Lacerta schreiberi Location PN �� 3 lizard ID Date captured Sex Latitude N Longitude W 7 60430025 2006 /04/ 30 3 40 �� 19 ' 52 " 7 �� 5 ' 59 " 60430033 2006 /04/ 30 juvenile 40 �� 19 ' 52 " 7 �� 5 ' 55 " 1 1 60430025 2006 /04/ 30 3 40 �� 19 ' 52 " 7 �� 5 ' 59 " 6 60502034 2006 /05/ 02 3 40 �� 19 ' 32 " 6 �� 44 ' 13 " 17 60502046 2006 /05/ 02 3 40 �� 19 ' 35 " 6 �� 44 ' 13 " 5 60502047 2006 /05/ 02 3 40 �� 19 ' 39 " 6 �� 44 ' 8 " 1 60502046 2006 /05/ 02 3 40 �� 19 ' 35 " 6 �� 44 ' 13 " 15 60507082 2006 /05/07 escapee 40 �� 23 ' 40 " 7 �� 3 ' 25 " 60507083 2006 /05/ 07 3 40 �� 23 ' 38 " 7 �� 3 ' 24 " 11 60507089 2006 /05/ 07 3 40 �� 19 ' 20 " 7 �� 1 ' 12 " 12 1 60507101 2006 /05/ 07 3 40 �� 23 ' 58 " 7 �� 3 ' 43 " 8 60507085 2006 /05/07 �� 40 �� 19 ' 14 " 7 �� 1 ' 1 " 2 60507081 2006 /05/07 �� 40 �� 19 ' 20 " 7 �� 1 ' 13 " 10 60507091 2006 /05/07 �� 40 �� 19 ' 20 " 7 �� 1 ' 12 " 60507092 2006 /05/ 07 3 40 �� 19 ' 21 " 7 �� 1 ' 14 " 1 60507090 2006 /05/ 07 3 40 �� 19 ' 20 " 7 �� 1 ' 12 " 5 60507076 2006 /05/ 07 3 40 �� 23 ' 46 " 7 �� 3 ' 22 " 60507077 2006 /05/07 �� 40 �� 23 ' 46 " 7 �� 3 ' 22 " 5 Lag07- 78 2007 /05/07 �� 40 �� 19 ' 36 " 6 �� 47 ' 31 " 2 Lag07- 81 2007 /05/07 �� 40 �� 19 ' 40 " 6 �� 47 ' 36 " 1 Lag07- 129 2007 /05/ 10 �� 40 �� 17 ' 24 " 6 �� 56 ' 25 " 2 * 3 Lag07- 57 2007 /05/-- �� 40 �� 19 ' 20 " 6 �� 50 ' 58 " 17 Lag07- 28 2007 /05/ 04 3 40 �� 16 ' 28 " 6 �� 50 ' 45 " 8 Lag 07- 30 2007 /05 /-- 3 40 �� 16 ' 29 " 6 �� 50 ' 45 " 7 Lag07- 33 2007 /05/-- 3 40 �� 16 ' 28 " 6 �� 50 ' 46 " Gnathosoma. Tritosternum with hyaline border, base 36 long with two setulose laciniae 11 long. Palps 128 long; chelicerae 54 long. Legs. Legs I���IV with well-developed paired claws and lobulate pulvilli. Tarsus I with apical desclerotization. Setation of trochanters of legs, respectively, 6 - 5 - 5 - 5; femur, 12 - 10 - 5-6; genua, 2 3 / 2 2 / 1 2 (12) - 2 3 / 1 2 / 1 2 (11)- 2 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 (10) ��� 2 2 / 1 3 / 1 2 (11); tibia, 2 3 / 2 2 / 1 2 (12)- 2 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 (10) ��� 2 1 / 1 2 / 1 2 (9) - 2 1 / 1 3 / 1 2 (10). Length of legs I���IV respectively: 599, 539, 459, 571. Adult male. Dorsal idiosoma (Fig. 3). Idiosoma 503���518 long, 297���305 wide between coxae II and III. Dorsal shield 500���517 long, 266���319 wide at level of setae s 4 and ca. 171 at level of J 1. Dorsal ornamentation as in female, with fine striate on the anterior region. Dorsal shield with irregular lateral margins and 16���19 pairs of dorsal setae: j 1 (ca 32) < j 2 (ca. 34)> j 3 (ca. 19) < j 4 (ca. 30) < j 5 (ca. 36)> j 6 (ca. 27); J 1 = J 2 = J 4 (19���21); z 2 = z 4 (ca. 40), z 5 (ca. 34), Z 4 (ca. 48), Z 5 (ca. 50); setae Z 1 = Z 2 = Z 3 on or off shield (43���46); s 4 = s 5 (30���34); other dorsal setae on soft cuticle 43���46 long. Podonotal region with a protonymphal complement of setae; marginal setae on the shield and setae on soft cuticle thicker than central setae and with a blunt tip. Shield with 15 pairs of discernible pore-like structures (6 podonotal and 9 opisthonotal), of which 10 (3 podonotal, 7 opisthonotal) superficially appear non-secretory (lyrifissures) and 5 (3 podonotal and 2 opisthonotal) are secretory (gland pores). Ventral idiosoma (Fig. 4): Sterno-genital shield 211 long, 81 wide at level of st2, 35 wide at level of st 5, with irregular lateral margins and free from the well-developed endopodal II; shield with an striate network in its anterior third, two pairs of lyrifissures and two (st 1 and st 2) or three (st 1, st 2 and st 3) pairs of setae; setae st 1, st 3 and st 4 ca. 24 long, st 2 longer (31 long), st 5 ca. 22 long; poroid iv 3, together with st 4 and st 5, always off the shield and posterior to setae st 3; genital aperture large, 26 wide. Anal shield as in female, 87 long, 52 wide; para-anal setae 24 long, post-anal seta 33. Seven pairs of ventral setae: JV 1 -JV 4, ZV 2 -ZV 3 thin, 24���28 long; JV 5 thicker and longer, ca. 42; venter with 4 pairs of lyrifissures. Endopodal II present; peritrematal shields fused with podal IV; peritreme extends to anterior border of coxa III, 87 long. Gnathosoma. Chelicerae total length (including digits) 104 (Fig. 5); movable digit 22 long, as long as pointed spermatodactyl; fixed digit with a rounded tip. Legs. Legs I���IV with well-developed, paired claws and lobulate pulvilli. Setation of trochanter of legs, respectively, 6 - 5 - 5 - 5; femur, 12 - 10 - 4-6; genua, 2 3 / 1 2 / 1 2 (11) - 2 3 / 1 2 / 1 2 (11)- 2 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 (10) ��� 2 2 / 1 3 / 1 2 (11); tibia, 2 3 / 1 2 / 1 2 (11)- 2 2 / 1 3 / 1 2 (11) ��� 2 1 / 1 2 / 1 2 (9) - 2 1 / 1 3 / 1 2 (10). Femur III with a conical, thumb-like ventral spur (Fig. 6). Length of legs I���IV (excluding claws) respectively: 455, 341, 370, 493. Protonymph. Idiosomal length for non-engorged mites 617 long, 406 wide. Dorsum (Fig. 7). Podonotal shield pentagonal, as long as wide (230 long, 230 wide), with a polygonal, reticulate sculpture and 11 pairs of short, smooth, thin setae: setae j 1 -j 6 ca. 11 long; z 2, z 4, z 5 17 long; s 4 and s 5 22 long; 3 pairs of lyrifissures, and 1 pair of glands (gdj 3). Pygidial shield 103 long, 76 wide, with 3 pairs of setae: J 4 thin, short, 11 long; Z 5 and Z 4 subequal, thicker, slightly barbed, 41���44 long; 5 pairs of pore-like structures (4 lyrifissures and 1 pair of glands). Soft dorsal cuticle with 4 pairs of minute mesonotal platelets. Setae J 1 and J 2 thin, 19 long; other dorsal setae s 6 (ca. 33), r 2, r 3, r 5 (ca. 27 long); Z 1 - Z 3 (ca. 25 long), S 3 - S 5 (ca. 44 long) and R 1 (ca. 33 long) on the soft dorsal cuticle longer and thicker. Seven pairs of lyrifissures on soft cuticle, 2 are podonotals, 5 opisthonotal. Ventral idiosoma (Fig. 8). Sternal shield with 3 pairs of thin setae (st 1, st 2 and st 3) 19 long, and 2 pairs of lyrifissures (iv 1, iv 2); shield 95 long, 82 wide at level of setae st 2. Genital setae minute, 11 long; setae JV 1, JV 2 and ZV 2 19���21 long; setae ZV 5 thicker and longer, 29 long. Poststernal sclerites may be present on genital region, between setae st 5 and JV 1. Anal shield 66 long, 45 wide; para-anal setae 21 long, post-anal seta ca. 29 long; 4 pairs of ventral lyrifissures present. Endopodal I���IV present, slightly sclerotized. Peritreme 103 long, from middle of coxae IV to anterior border of coxae III; peritrematal lyrifissure present. Legs. Setation of trochanters of legs, respectively, 4 - 4 - 4 - 4; that of femur, 2 2 / 1 2 / 2 1 (10), 1 1 / 1 2 / 2 1 (8), 1 1 / 2 1 /0 0 (5), 0 1 / 1 2 /0 0 (4); genua, 2 2 / 1 2 / 1 1 (9) - 1 2 /0 2 /0 1 (6), 1 2 /0 2 /0 1 (6), 1 2 /0 2 /0 1 (6); tibia, 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 1 (8), 1 1 / 1 2 / 1 1 (7), 1 1 / 1 2 / 1 1 (7) - 1 1 / 1 2 / 1 1 (7); tarsi II-IV, 3 3 / 2 1 / 1 3 / 2 3 (18). Setae ad 1 and pd 1 on femur I, setae ad 1, pd 1 and pd 2 on femur II, and seta ad 1 on femur III and IV longer and thicker than other dorsal setae on the segment. E tymology. The species name ��� schreibericolus ��� refers to the mite's relationship with the host species, Lacerta schreiberi, Schreiber���s green lizard, ���icolus��� -of, -dwelling in. Remarks. The new species is closely related to O. dolatelacensis, O. sauracum and O. lacertinus, with 12���13 pairs of setae on the dorsal shield and peritremes that extend as far as the anterior border of coxae II in the female. However, males of these three species lack ventral spur on femur III. In females of O. dolatelacensis the anterior epyginial lobe is rounded, females and males have shorter peritremes, and males have 5 ventral setae and ventral conical setae on femur III. The female of O. lacertinus has setae s 5 and z 2 on the shield and J 4 and Z 5 are minute, one-third the length of J 2; males with 23 pairs of setae on dorsal shield, and femur III with an enlarged ventral, spur-like setae. The female of O. sauracum has s 5 on the dorsal shield, 2 postero-lateral setae on tibia IV (compared with 3 setae on the new species) and with smaller genital and anal shields; males have conical, spine-like ventral setae on femur III and IV; and protonymphs have two setae on pygidial shield (J 4 and Z 5). During the 2006 sampling period, 127 lizards were inspected for mites. At least one mite, either on the lizard or in its transport bag, was detected for 83 lizard specimens���a 65.35 % frequency per individual. Analyzing data from Table 1, the average parasite load is 6 mites/host. This is the first record of the genus Ophionyssus on any host taxa from the Iberian Pensinsula and it would likely be found on other species of lizards of the region. Differences among the species of Ophionyssus are highlighted in the following key to females, males and protonymphs. The key is based on previous published descriptions, and on examined females and protonymphs of O. natricis. Ophionyssus viperae Miron & Ivan 2003, found on Vipera ursinii in Romania is a synonym of O. natricis (new synonymy).
Published as part of Moraza, Mar��a L., Irwin, Nancy R., Godinho, Raquel, Baird, Stuart J. E. & Bellocq, Jo��lle Go��y De, 2009, A new species of Ophionyssus M��gnin (Acari: Mesostigmata: Macronyssidae) parasitic on Lacerta schreiberi Bedriaga (Reptilia: Lacertidae) from the Iberian Peninsula, and a world key to species, pp. 58-68 in Zootaxa 2007 on pages 59-65, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.185725
{"references":["Miron, L. & Ivan, O. (2003) O noua species a genului Ophionyssus Megnin (1844) (Acari, Gamasida, Macronyssidae), ectoparazit pe Vipera ursinii. Scientia Parasitologica, 1 - 2, 172 - 174."]}
Databáze: OpenAIRE