Copy number variations of chromosome 16p13.1 region associated with schizophrenia

Autor: Ingason, A., Rujescu, D., Sigurdsson, E., Sigmundsson, T., Pietilainen, O.P., Buizer-Voskamp, J.E., Strengman, E., Francks, C., Muglia, P., Gylfason, A., Gustafsson, O., Olason, P.I., Steinberg, S., Hansen, T., Jakobsen, K.D., Rasmussen, H.B., Giegling, I., Moller, H.J., Hartmann, A., Crombie, C., Fraser, G., Walker, N., Lonnqvist, J., Suvisaari, J., Tuulio-Henriksson, A., Bramon, E., Kiemeney, L.A., Franke, B., Murray, R., Vassos, E., Toulopoulou, T., Muhleisen, T.W., Tosato, S., Ruggeri, M., Djurovic, S., Andreassen, O.A., Zhang, Z., Werge, T., Ophoff, R.A., Bruggeman, R., Cahn, W., de Haan, L., Kahn, R., Krabbendam, L., Linzen, D., Myin-Germeys, I., van Os, J., Wiersma, D., Rietschel, M., Nothen, M.M., Petursson, H., Stefansson, H., Peltonen, L., Collier, D., Stefansson, K., Clair, D.M.
Přispěvatelé: Psychiatrie & Neuropsychologie, RS: MHeNs School for Mental Health and Neuroscience, Educational Neuroscience, Clinical Child and Family Studies, LEARN! - Brain, learning and development, Other departments, ANS - Amsterdam Neuroscience, Adult Psychiatry
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
DNA Copy Number Variations
Locus (genetics)
Genomic disorders and inherited multi-system disorders Functional Neurogenomics [IGMD 3]
Genomic disorders and inherited multi-system disorders [IGMD 3]
03 medical and health sciences
Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Young Adult
0302 clinical medicine
Segmental Duplications

Reference Values
Gene duplication
mental disorders
Copy-number variation
Molecular Biology
Molecular epidemiology Aetiology
screening and detection [NCEBP 1]

030304 developmental biology
Segmental duplication
Sequence Deletion
Chromosome Aberrations
0303 health sciences
Chromosome Mapping
Low copy repeats
Psychiatry and Mental health
Case-Control Studies
Functional Neurogenomics [DCN 2]
030217 neurology & neurosurgery
Pair 16
Zdroj: Molecular Psychiatry
Molecular Psychiatry, 16(1), 17-25. Nature Publishing Group
Molecular Psychiatry; Vol 16
Molecular Psychiatry, 16, 1, pp. 17-25
Molecular Psychiatry, 16, 17-25
Molecular Psychiatry, 16, 17-25. Nature Publishing Group
Molecular psychiatry, 16(1), 17-25. Nature Publishing Group
Ingason, A, Rujescu, D, Sigurdsson, E, Sigmundsson, T, Pietilainen, O P, Buizer-Voskamp, J E, Strengman, E, Francks, C, Muglia, P, Gylfason, A, Gustafsson, O, Olason, P I, Steinberg, S, Hansen, T, Jakobsen, K D, Rasmussen, H B, Giegling, I, Moller, H J, Hartmann, A, Crombie, C, Fraser, G, Walker, N, Lonnqvist, J, Suvisaari, J, Tuulio-Henriksson, A, Bramon, E, Kiemeney, L A, Franke, B, Murray, R, Vassos, E, Toulopoulou, T, Muhleisen, T W, Tosato, S, Ruggeri, M, Djurovic, S, Andreassen, O A, Zhang, Z, Werge, T, Ophoff, R A, Bruggeman, R, Cahn, W, de Haan, L, Kahn, R, Krabbendam, L, Linzen, D, Myin-Germeys, I, van Os, J, Wiersma, D, Rietschel, M, Nothen, M M, Petursson, H, Stefansson, H, Peltonen, L, Collier, D, Stefansson, K & Clair, D M 2011, ' Copy number variations of chromosome 16p13.1 region associated with schizophrenia ', Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 16, pp. 17-25 .
ISSN: 1359-4184
Popis: Deletions and reciprocal duplications of the chromosome 16p13.1 region have recently been reported in several cases of autism and mental retardation (MR). As genomic copy number variants found in these two disorders may also associate with schizophrenia, we examined 4345 schizophrenia patients and 35 079 controls from 8 European populations for duplications and deletions at the 16p13.1 locus, using microarray data. We found a threefold excess of duplications and deletions in schizophrenia cases compared with controls, with duplications present in 0.30% of cases versus 0.09% of controls (P0.007) and deletions in 0.12 % of cases and 0.04% of controls (P0.05). The region can be divided into three intervals defined by flanking low copy repeats. Duplications spanning intervals I and II showed the most significant (P0.00010) association with schizophrenia. The age of onset in duplication and deletion carriers among cases ranged from 12 to 35 years, and the majority were males with a family history of psychiatric disorders. In a single Icelandic family, a duplication spanning intervals I and II was present in two cases of schizophrenia, and individual cases of alcoholism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and dyslexia. Candidate genes in the region include NTAN1 and NDE1. We conclude that duplications and perhaps also deletions of chromosome 16p13.1, previously reported to be associated with autism and MR, also confer risk of schizophrenia. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.
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