Status of safety of lifetime and labor protection . In ukraine and ways of reduction of production and household traumatism

Autor: L. A. Cherednichenko, S. Yu. Ragimov, A. S. Belikov, V. A. Shalomov
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Vìsnik Pridnìprovsʹkoï Deržavnoï Akademìï Budìvnictva ta Arhìtekturi, Vol 1, Iss 1, Pp 35-41 (2018)
ISSN: 2312-2676
Popis: Purpose . Analysis of the condition of occupational injuries and occupational diseases at enterprises of Ukraine, as well as finding ways to reduce them. Method . Comprehensive study on the identification of the main negative factors that affect labor safety and are the main causes of injury and occupational diseases. Results . The department conducts research work on the following topics: assessment of the safety of life in the event of extreme conditions (fire, accident, natural disaster, etc.); reduction of combustibility and increase of fire resistance of building structures under the influence of high temperatures; safety of human life in conditions of negative influence (noise, radiation, infrared radiation); prevention of injuries and professional breaks in the conditions of production; conducting forensic examinations in case of emergencies, accidents, injuries, fires, etc. Now the scientists of the department carry out research work on scientific and technical programs "Fire safety of buildings and structures", "Improvement of safety of construction objects due to provision of normative functioning of building materials and structures in extreme conditions" according to the National Program "Improvement of safety, Occupational Hygiene and Production Environment "," Increasing the fire resistance of metal constructions due to the application of fire retardant coatings, foaming "and others. Scientific novelty. For the first time a general analysis was conducted and the main directions of injury reduction in Ukraine were determined, the theoretical bases for increasing the safety and efficiency of carrying out special types of work in extreme situations during the collapse of buildings and structures using lifting-transport vehicles and special lifting-transport vehicles were developed. The conducted researches allow to find new fundamental approaches in construction of the calculated methods of isolines of a thermal voltage and with the help of a complex of protective means to reduce the level of radiation at workplaces to admissible values. Practical meaningfulness. It is in the substantiation of theoretical and practical approaches aimed at changing the negative state of labor protection in Ukraine.
Databáze: OpenAIRE