Energy/Lifetime Cooptimization by Cache Partitioning With Graceful Performance Degradation

Autor: Enrico Macii, Massimo Poncino, Haroon Mahmood, Mirko Loghi
Rok vydání: 2014
Popis: Aging of transistors can adversely impact the long-term reliability of devices in subnanometric technologies. Without any countermeasure, the first component that becomes unreliable will determine the life span of an entire device. The effect is more susceptible in memory arrays, where failure of a single SRAM cell would cause the failure of the whole system. In this paper, we propose a reliability management technique based on the idea of cache partitioning, which deals with cell failures by gracefully degrading its performance. By this partitioning-based strategy, various subblocks will become unreliable at different times, and the cache will keep functioning with reduced efficiency. A coarse-grain implementation of this approach, with the use of a smart aging-driven partitioning algorithm, provides a lifetime extension of more than 2× . On the other hand, a fine-grain strategy with a single cache line as a unit of power management, stretch the lifetime to its maximum limits with an addition of small hardware overhead.
Databáze: OpenAIRE