Aplikasi Art Therapy sebagai Instrumen dalam Konseling Kelompok

Autor: erwinda, lira, Ifdil, Ifdil, Churnia, Elfi
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/3gcfr
Popis: The implementation of group counseling will be optimal with the self-disclosure and willingness of group members to verbally dispute their personal problems. the phenomenon encountered in the implementation of group counseling, not all members of the group voluntarily convey their personal problems to be discussed. This has the potential to hinder the achievement of group counseling goals. Efforts to assist members in group counseling to have self-disclosure may use art therapy as an instrument. Art therapy is one treatment with the use of art materials / media art for self-expression and reflection for the counselee in the presence of a therapist / counselor. Art Therapy is believed to provide comfort to the counselee, because the counselee can express thoughts and feelings that can not be delivered through words freely. So it is possible to discuss and solve the problems of group members as a whole
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