Electrodynamics of the antiferromagnetic phase in URu$_2$Si$_2$

Autor: Graeme Luke, Murray Wilson, M. Rahimi Movassagh, Kevin Huang, M. B. Maple, Marc Janoschek, Noravee Kanchanavatee, Jesse Hall, Thomas Timusk
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: We present data on the optical conductivity of ${\mathrm{URu}}_{2\ensuremath{-}x}{(\mathrm{Fe},\mathrm{Os})}_{x}{\mathrm{Si}}_{2}$. While the parent material ${\mathrm{URu}}_{2}{\mathrm{Si}}_{2}$ enters the enigmatic hidden order (HO) phase below 17.5 K, an antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase is induced by the substitution of Fe or Os onto the Ru sites. We find that both the HO and the AFM phases exhibit an identical gap structure that is characterized by a loss of conductivity below the gap energy with spectral weight transferred to a narrow frequency region just above the gap, the typical optical signature of a density wave. The AFM phase is marked by strong increases in both transition temperature and the energy of the gap associated with the transition. In the normal phase just above the transition the optical scattering rate varies as ${\ensuremath{\omega}}^{2}$. We find that in both the HO and the AFM phases, our data are consistent with elastic resonant scattering of a Fermi liquid. This indicates that the appearance of a coherent state is a necessary condition for either ordered phase to emerge. Our measurements favor models in which the HO and the AFM phases are driven by the common physics of a nesting-induced density wave gap.
Databáze: OpenAIRE