Prinos travno-detelinske smeše na kiselom zemljištu u trećoj godini nakon kalcizacije

Autor: Jasmina Knežević, Branka Popović, Vladeta Stevovic, Nikola Bokan, Dragan Đurović, Dalibor Tomić
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Central European Agriculture
Volume 19
Issue 2
Journal of Central European Agriculture, Vol 19, Iss 2, Pp 482-489 (2018)
ISSN: 1332-9049
Popis: Soil acidity is one of the most common reasons for low yields of forage crops. This paper analyzes the long-term effect of liming (control-without CaO; 3 t*ha-1 CaO; 6 t*ha-1 CaO) applied to an acid soil (pH H2O 4.8) before stand establishment on the productivity of a mixture of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and tall oat grass (Arrhenatherum elatius L.) during the third year of production. Soil liming significantly increased hay yields in the first and second cuts by 17-25% and 46%, respectively, which resulted from an increase in the total yield and dry matter content of forage. In the third cut, soil liming had no effect on forage and hay yields due to the lower amount of precipitation in the second part of the growing season. Both lime application rates led to a significant reduction in the percentage of red clover in the first and second cuts, thus favoring the percentage of tall oat grass. In the third cut, only the percentage of weeds was lower in both lime treatments, as it decreased by more than 55% compared to the control.
Kiselost zemljišta je jedan od najčešćih razloga za niske prinose krmnih useva. U radu je analiziran produžen uticaj primene kalcizacije (kontrola – bez CaO; 3 t*ha-1 CaO; 6 t*ha-1 CaO) na kiselom zemljištu pH 4,8, pre zasnivanja useva, na produktivnost smeše crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) i francuskog ljulja (Arrhenatherum elatius L.) tokom treće godine proizvodnje. Kalcizacija zemljišta je uticala na značajno povećanje prinosa sena u prvom i drugom otkosu za 17-25%, odnosno 46% po redosledu. To je posledica povećanja ukupnog prinosa krme i sadržaja suve materije u krmi. U trećem otkosu, kalcizacija zemljišta nije ostvariluticaj na prinos krme i sena, zbog manje količine padavina u drugom delu vegetacije. Primena oba nivoa kalcizacije zemljišta je uticala na značajno smanjenje udela crvene deteline u prvom i drugom otkosu, na račun povećanja udela francuskog ljulja. U trećem otkosu je jedino udeo korova bio manji na obe varijante kalcizacije za više od 55% u odnosu na kontrolu.
Databáze: OpenAIRE