Tolerance Patterns in Stream Biofilms Link Complex Chemical Pollution to Ecological Impacts

Autor: Ahmed Tlili, Åsa Arrhenius, Juliane Hollender, Renata Behra, Nicolas Creusot, Bettina Wagner, Natàlia Corcoll, Thomas Backhaus
Přispěvatelé: Swiss Federal Insitute of Aquatic Science and Technology [Dübendorf] (EAWAG)
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Science and Technology, American Chemical Society, 2020, 54 (17), pp.10745-10753. ⟨10.1021/acs.est.0c02975⟩
ISSN: 0013-936X
Popis: Preventing and remedying fresh waters from chemical pollution is a fundamental societal and scientific challenge. With other nonchemical stressors potentially co-occurring, assessing the ecological consequences of reducing chemical loads in the environment is arduous. In this case study, we comparatively assessed the community structure, functions, and tolerance of stream biofilms to micropollutant mixtures extracted from deployed passive samplers at wastewater treatment plant effluents. These biofilms were growing up- and downstream of one upgraded and two nonupgraded wastewater treatment plants before being sampled for analyses. Our results showed a substantial decrease in micropollutant concentrations by 85%, as the result of upgrading the wastewater treatment plant at one of the sampling sites with activated carbon filtration. This decrease was positively correlated with a loss of community tolerance to micropollutants and the recovery of the community structure downstream of the effluent. On the other hand, downstream biofilms at the nonupgraded sites displayed higher tolerance to the extracts than the upstream biofilms. The observed higher tolerance was positively linked to micropollutant levels both in stream water and in biofilm samples, and to shifts in the community structure. Although more investigations of upgraded sites are needed, our findings point toward the suitability of using community tolerance for the retrospective assessment of the risks posed by micropollutants, to assess community recovery, and to relate effects to causes in complex environmental conditions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE