Bahasa sebagai Identitas dan Perlawanan Kultural Masyarakat Banyumas Pascakolonial

Autor: Trianton, Teguh
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: This article describes about existence of Banyumas language as cultural identity and cultural resistance Banyumas community at the time of postcolonial. Banyumas society past geopolitics and geocultur in the border region between the cultural domain palace (negari agung) and the realm of coastal culture. Banyumas is also located in the border region between Mataram and Sundanese culture. Therefore, Banyumas be a result of cross cultural reproduction area of culture. However, people Banyumas have traditional cultural identities that language. Banyumas language is also a feature of cultural resistance in the postcolonial.
Databáze: OpenAIRE