Comparative Responses to Propofol Anaesthesia alone and with α2-Adrenergic Medications in a Canine Model

Autor: Outi Vainio, Antonello Bufalari, C. E. Short, C. Giannoni
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Acta Vet Scand
ISSN: 1751-0147
DOI: 10.1186/bf03548111
Popis: Bufalari, A., CE. Short, C. Giannoni and O. Vainio: Comparative responses to propofol anaesthesia alone and with α(2)-adrenergic medications in a canine model. Acta vet. scand. 1996, 37, 187-201. - Cardiovascular and pulmonary effects of pro-pofol, a relatively new nonbarbiturate intravenous anaesthetic, were assessed and com-pared in 22 male and female dogs. Dogs in group 1 did not receive any premedication prior to 6.6 mg/kg IV propofol, group 2 was premedicated with atropine (0.02 mg/kg IM) and the α(2)-agonist medetomidine (10 μg/kg IM), and group 3 received the same premedication agents as group 2, but the medetomidine effects were reversed by the α(2)-antagonist atipamezole (30 μg/kg IV) after 30 min of anaesthesia. Each dog in groups 2 and 3 received a propofol induction dose of 2.2 mg/kg IV The anaesthetic du-ration was shortest with propofol alone and prolonged with medetomidine as a premedication which was reversible with atipamezole. In group 1, the most prominent effects were a temporary drop in diastolic arterial blood pressure (26% and 24%) at 2 and 5 min post-propofol, respectively and a drop in respiratory frequency (41%) 2 min after pro-pofol induction. Similar respiratory depression was observed in groups 2 and 3 (20% and 48%, respectively) at the same time. Apnea was not observed. An increase in systemic arterial blood pressure was observed throughout the trial in groups 2 and 3 un-til dogs recovered or were reversed with atipamezole. Medetomidine significantly re-duces propofol dosage requirements. Safe and effective injectable anaesthesia was pro-duced by propofol in this group of dogs. The frequency of respiratory depression would suggest in clinical usage, the practitioner should be aware oxygen supplementation is the treatment of choice should apnea occur.
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