Indicators for innovation ecosystem health

Autor: Dieudonnee Cobben, Ward Ooms, Nadine Roijakkers
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Journal of Business Research. 162
ISSN: 0148-2963
Popis: Despite initial explorations of potentially useful indicators, still little understanding exists of how to conceptualize and measure innovation ecosystem health and success, nor of what kind of structural and relational antecedents affect health. This paper conceptualizes innovation ecosystem health and success, and its antecedents, and presents the results of a Delphi study based on quantitative and qualitative information to identify which indicators at different levels of analysis are suitable for measurement. The findings show the complementary nature of ecosystem and organization-level indicators and collaborative and competitive performance. In addition, it shows the importance of the structural antecedent resilience, the relational antecedents trust and value alignment, contribution and communication, and absorptive capacity and innovation for innovation ecosystem health. We contribute to the innovation ecosystem literature by providing an initial list of indicators to measure innovation ecosystem health, and its structural and relational antecedents, as well as providing insights into the complementary nature of antecedents.
Databáze: OpenAIRE