Hemodynamic and metabolic responses of infused low molecular weight dextran

Autor: Eugene Evonuk
Rok vydání: 1967
Zdroj: The American journal of physiology. 212(2)
ISSN: 0002-9513
Popis: Thirteen series of experiments were conducted to determine some hemodynamic and metabolic responses of infused LMD (low molecular weight dextran, 40,000) in rats. Oxygen consumption, respiratory quotient, circulating histamine levels, arterial and venous pressure, cardiac output and volumes percent of blood PO2 and PCO2 were determined before and at various intervals after LMD infusion. The infusion of LMD resulted in a significant decrease in oxygen consumption, increase in respiratory quotient, increase in circulating histamine, decrease in arterial and venous pressures, a decrease in cardiac output, and decrease in venous PO2 and arterial PCO2. From these responses of infused LMD it was concluded that the metabolic processes are uninhibited at the peripheral cellular level and that the reduction in metabolic rate was due to a marked peripheral hemostasis and failure of the circulatory system to supply the oxygen demand. (Author)
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