Popis: |
Floristic novelties from the Lower Austrian Weinviertel and Vienna north ofthe Danube From the southern, western and central parts of the Weinviertel region, in north-eastern Lower Austria, and from the northern part of Vienna, occurrences of rare plant species are reported. New for the flora of Vienna north of the Danube are Amaranthus viridis, Anchusa arvensis subsp. orientalis, Kickxia elatine and Panicum hillmanii. New for the flora of Lower Austria is the alien Ceratostigma plumbaginoides. New localities of further 17 remarkable taxons are presented, of which three are critically endangered, nine endangered and four vulnerable according to the current Red List of Austria: Alcea biennis, Calluna vulgaris, Helosciadium repens, Hesperis sylvestris, Hibiscus trionum, Himantoglossum adriaticum, Malus sylvestris, Mentha pulegium, Odontites vernus, Orlaya grandiflora, Orobanche coerulescens, Orobanche kochii, Papaver argemone, Ranunculus arvensis, Sideritis montana, Stipa pulcherrima subsp. pulcherrima and Thesium dollineri. uploaded for Neilreichia by Plazi |