Can Fitness Trackers Help Diabetic and Obese Users Make and Sustain Lifestyle Changes?

Autor: Yu Chen, Pearl Pu, Mirana Randriambelonoro
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Computer, Vol. 50, No 3 (2017) pp. 20-29
ISSN: 0018-9162
DOI: 10.1109/mc.2017.92
Popis: Diabetic and obese users given a Fitbit fitness tracker for seven months identified the device's playfulness, practicality, persuasiveness, personalization, and privacy as the top motivators for its use. These results provide insights into designing wearable health monitors that are engaging enough to effect long-term change. In the web extra at, guest editor Katarzyna Wac interviews lead author Mirana Randriambelonoro, a PhD candidate in information systems at the University of Geneva.
Databáze: OpenAIRE