Radioimmunolocalization of human colonic cancer xenografts; aspects of extensive purification of monoclonal anti-CEA-antibodies

Autor: J. Carlsson, Anders Sundin, E Maripuu, Per Enblad, Håkan Ahlström, A Hedin
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B. Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 18:891-899
ISSN: 0883-2897
Popis: Tumour-to-normal tissue ratios of i.p. injected 125I-labelled monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), reacting with CEA were determined in nude rats xenografted with human colonic cancer cells (LS 174 T). Two MAbs, I-38S1 and II-16, reactive with the GOLD 1-epitope on CEA were tested. MAb I-38S1 was also tested after additional purification using anion exchange chromatography (thereafter named AEC 38). In the external activity measurements, MAb AEC 38 showed significantly better tumour-to-liver ratios than did MAb II-16 on all 4 days after injection. MAb I-38S1 gave intermediate ratios but was significantly better than II-16 only on day 3. The mean tumour-to-blood ratios were 3.0, 2.6 and 1.5 and the mean tumour-to-liver ratios were 6.6, 4.8 and 3.5 for MAbs AEC 38, I-38S1 and II-16 respectively. Gamma camera registrations in 3 animals on 4 days showed good imaging properties for all three MAbs and the patterns of tissue uptake were consistent with those seen in the external measurements. Furthermore, histopathological and immunohistochemical determinations were performed, showing that MAb II-16 gave about the same spatial binding as the previously analysed MAb I-38S1. The results indicate that additional purification of MAbs using anion exchange chromatography may potentiate tumour uptake in this model.
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