Sagittal, vertical and transversal dimensions of the maxillary complex in patients with ectopic maxillary canines

Autor: H J Larsen, Inger Kjær, Artmann L, H B Sørensen, Ib Jarle Christensen
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research. 13:34-39
ISSN: 1601-6343
DOI: 10.1111/j.1601-6343.2009.01471.x
Popis: To cite this article: Larsen HJ, Sorensen HB, Artmann L, Christensen IJ, Kjaer I: Sagittal, vertical and transversal dimensions of the maxillary complex in patients with ectopic maxillary canines Orthod Craniofac Res 2010;13:34–39 Structured Abstract Authors – Larsen HJ, Sorensen HB, Artmann L, Christensen IJ, Kjaer I Objectives – To analyse the craniofacial maxillary complex in cases with labially and palatally located ectopic canines, subgrouped accordingly: Group I: no deviations in the dentition; Group IIa: deviations in the maxillary incisors only; Group IIb: deviations in the dentition in general. Setting and Sample Population – Sixty nine patients (mean age 13 years 6 months) with palatally or labially located ectopic canines. Material and Methods – Profile radiographs and dental casts were analysed. The patients were subgrouped according to a previous registration of dental deviations registered radiographically. Maxillary cross-arch transversal width was analysed on dental casts. Sagittal and vertical dimensions were registered cephalometrically on profile radiographs. Results – In the patient sample the maxillary cross-arch transversal width (from first maxillary molar left to first maxillary molar right), was significantly larger than the normal mean (0.65 mm, 95% Cl: 0.02–1.28, p = 0.043). The sagittal length N-S was significantly shorter (−0.97, 95% Cl:−1.72–−0.22, p = 0.002). The vertical length ANS-N length was also significantly shorter (−0.79, 95% Cl:−1.65–−0.02, p = 0.047). The remaining variables were non-significant. Tests for interaction between groups (I, IIa and IIb) and palatal/labial ectopic location did not demonstrate significance. Conclusion – In patients with ectopic maxillary canines, the maxillary complex is shorter sagittally as well as vertically, while it is wider transversally.
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