Servant of God archbishop Mečislovas Reinys – apostle usque ad mortem

Autor: Vytautas Steponas Vaičiūnas
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Soter 2014, 50 (78), p. 37-48.
Soter, ISSN 1392-7450, 2014, [Nr.] 50(78), p. 37-48
ISSN: 2335-8785
DOI: 10.7220/1392-7450.50(78).3
Popis: Straipsnis atskleidžia arkivyskupo Mečislovo Reinio iki mirties paliudytą ištikimybę apaštalinei Dievo tarnystei, aptaria pasitikėjimo Kristaus Kryžiumi vertę, išdėsto Lietuvos Bažnyčios kankinio reikšmingus biografijos faktus, atskleidžia apaštalinės ištikimybės liudijimo iki mirties reikšmę vyskupo tarnystėje. The history of the Catholic Church is drenched with blood. Almost all of the first disciples of Christ – the apostles and their successors, the early Christians – were martyrs; all of them were killed and testified until death their faithfulness to Christ. The apostles and their successors became martyrs “for Christ’s sake”. This martyrdom allowed to take part in the Work of Redemption which was accomplished through the Savior’s suffer and death. In the history of Lithuanian Church there are plenty of examples when priests, bishops and lay Catholics did not fear to testify their faithfulness to God, and even in the face of death they did not renounce their faith, their duty to one’s neighbor and country. One of the most prominent personalities of faith and apostleship – apostle usque ad mortem – is the Archbishop Mečislovas Reinys. The aim of the research is to reveal the Archbishop Mečislovas Reinys’ testified faithfulness until death to the apostolic service for God. The goals of the research: 1. To discuss the value of trust in the Cross of Christ for bishop’s apostolic faithfulness; 2. To set out significant biographical facts of Lithuanian Church martyr, the Archbishop Mečislovas Reinys; 3. To disclose the meaning of the testimony of apostolic faithfulness until death in bishop’s service. Bishop’s personal spiritual life has a beneficial effect to the fruitfulness of his pastoral activities. Bishop will be able to convey graces to his flock when he himself is absorbed... [to full text]
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