A comparison of osmotic dilators, Lamicel and Dilapan, and a prostaglandin E1 analogue, gemeprost, for ripening the cervix before legal abortion

Autor: I. M. Golland, C. A. Vaughan-williams, M. Elstein
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. 9(3)
Popis: SummarySummarySixty-six primigravid women were allocated at random to receive either intravaginal application of the prostaglandin E, analogue, gemeprost, or intracervical insertion of one of two osmotic dilators, 'Lamicel' or 'Dilapan', 3 hours before legal abortion at 7 to 14 weeks pregnant. Insertion of the dilators was not possible in five patients. All three methods were otherwise equally effective in achieving cervical dilatation and there was no difference in the need for or resistance to further dilatation between the three groups. Gemeprost was the most easily administered, and would be the most appropriate for routine pre-operative use.
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