Liječnička pogreška u profesionalnom sportu

Autor: Hrvoje Vojković
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu
Volume 57
Issue 2
ISSN: 1847-0459
DOI: 10.31141/zrpfs.2020.57.136.375
Popis: Obavljanje usluge medicinskog tretmana radi sanacije nastalih sportskih ozljeda nosi određene izazove uvjetovane profesionalizacijom sporta. U tom smislu nastojalo se istražiti može li se medicinski tretman u okviru sportske medicine kvalitativno ili na drugi način razlikovati s obzirom na specifične okolnosti, odnosno, je li pretrpio stanovitu modifikaciju ili se jedinstveno primjenjuje u svojoj punini. Naime, uočava se fenomen svojevrsnog konflikta interesa između imperativa zdravstvene skrbi lege artis i legitimnog interesa za postizanjem vrhunskog sportskog rezultata, koji naročito dolazi do izražaja kad medicinsku praksu obavlja tzv. timski liječnik sportske medicine. Antagonizirana pozicija ovih dvaju interesa tendira poremećaju ravnoteže u korist sportskog rezultata čime se faktično sužava optimalni opseg medicinskog standarda što per consequens može uzrokovati liječničku pogrešku. Liječnik sportske medicine, bez obzira na to je li u ugovornom odnosu sa sportskom organizacijom kao tzv. timski liječnik ili pak nije, dužan je postupati s pažnjom koja se traži za osobe koje pripadaju istom profesionalnom krugu, odnosno, prema standardu dobrog, a ne tek prosječnog stručnjaka, a povreda tako nametnutog profesionalnog standarda konstituira štetnu radnju s obilježjem protupravnosti u subjektivnom smislu.
The performing of medical treatment for the rehabilitation of sports injuries has certain challenges as a result of the professionalization of sports. In this regard, an attempt was made to investigate whether medical treatment within sports medicine could be qualitatively or otherwise different in reference to the specific circumstances, ie whether it had undergone a specific modification or was uniformly applied in its entirety. Namely, there is a phenomenon of a kind of conflict of interest between the lege artis health care imperative and a legitimate interest in achieving a top sporting result, which is especially pronounced when performing medical practice on behalf of team sports medicine doctor. The antagonized position of these two interests tends to disrupt the balance in favor of a sporting result, which in effect narrows the optimal scope of the medical standard, which may cause a medical malpractice per consequens. Sports medicine doctor, regardless of the fact that he is in a contractual relationship with a sports organization or not, is obliged to act with the professional care required for persons belonging to the same professional circle, that is, according to the standard of a good, not just average expert, and violation of the imposed professional standard constitutes a harmful act with a characteristic of unlawfulness in the subjective sense.
Databáze: OpenAIRE