Using Network Theory to Understand and Predict Biological Invasions

Autor: David A. Wardle, Warwick J. Allen, Carol M. Frost, Franck Courchamp, Jonathan M. Jeschke, Wolf-Christian Saul
Přispěvatelé: Ecologie Systématique et Evolution (ESE), Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-AgroParisTech-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Asian School of the Environment
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Elsevier, 2019, 34 (9), pp.831-843. ⟨10.1016/j.tree.2019.04.012⟩
ISSN: 0169-5347
Popis: Understanding and predicting biological invasions is challenging because of the complexity of many interacting players. A holistic approach is needed with the potential to simultaneously consider all relevant effects and effectors. Using networks to describe the relevant anthropogenic and ecological factors, from community-level to global scales, promises advances in understanding aspects of invasion from propagule pressure, through establishment, spread, and ecological impact of invaders. These insights could lead to development of new tools for prevention and management of invasions that are based on species' network characteristics and use of networks to predict the ecological effects of invaders. Here, we review the findings from network ecology that show the most promise for invasion biology and identify pressing needs for future research. Accepted version We thank the ERA-Net BiodivERsA (project FFII) for financial support. W.J.A. was supported by Centre of Research Excellence funding to the Bio-Protection Research Centre from the Tertiary Education Commission. F.C. was additionally supported by ANR and Foundation BNP Paribas (Invacost), and J.M.J. was additionally supported by DFG project JE 288/9-2. W-C.S. acknowledges funding by the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology. We thank I. Bartomeus, J. Tylianakis, the ‘Weed Wing’ at Lincoln University, two anonymous reviewers, and the editor for their insightful comments on the manuscript. We additionally thank Hanno Seebens for kindly providing the figure on global shipping routes.
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