Santalbic acid from quandong kernels and oil fed to rats affects kidney and liver P450

Autor: Anne Birkett, Sudheera Sd Nair, Susan Y Tonkin, Andrew J. Sinclair, Gwyn P Jones, Nicole Dunt, Thomas G. Watson
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 8:211-215
ISSN: 1440-6047
Popis: Kernels of the plant Santalum acuminatum (quandong) are eaten as Australian 'bush foods'. They are rich in oil and contain relatively large amounts of the acetylenic fatty acid, santalbic acid (trans-11-octadecen-9-ynoic acid), whose chemical structure is unlike that of normal dietary fatty acids. When rats were fed high fat diets in which oil from quandong kernels supplied 50% of dietary energy, the proportion of santalbic acid absorbed was more than 90%. Feeding quandong oil elevated not only total hepatic cytochrome P450 but also the cytochrome P450 4A subgroup of enzymes as shown by a specific immunoblotting technique. A purified methyl santalbate preparation isolated from quandong oil was fed to rats at 9% of dietary energy for 4 days and this also elevated cytochrome P450 4A in both kidney and liver microsomes in comparison with methyl esters from canola oil. Santalbic acid appears to be metabolized differently from the usual dietary fatty acids and the consumption of oil from quandong kernels may cause perturbations in normal fatty acid biochemistry.
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