Autor: O O Kolosynska, P A Fedirko, T F Babenko, N A Garkava, R. Dorichevska, V O Sushko
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Problemy radiatsiinoi medytsyny ta radiobiolohii. 24
ISSN: 2313-4607
Popis: to describe the clinical types of cataracts in the remote period after acute radiation sickness (ARS).Twenty four - thirty three years after the emergency exposure, a complete ophthalmolog- ic examination of 53 reconvalescents of ARS conducted. The average age of patients at the time of the examination was (64.6 ± 1.2) years, the average radiation dose of the examined patients was (2.39 ± 0.17) Gy. Ophthalmologic examination included visometry with and without correction, tonometry, autorefractokeratometry, biomicroscopy on a slit lamp, retroillumination photography (infrared and color) of a lens. To evaluate the results of surveys used statistical methods: calculation of average values of quantitative indicators, estimation of probability difference by Student's method.In 10 patients (17 eyes) of the 53 reconvalescents of ARS in the remote period after irradiation artifakia after surgical treatment was recognized. In all other patients, changes in the transparency of the lens were detect- ed, and most patients had combined changes. Radiation cataract with it's characteristic clinical picture was detect- ed in 32 people, and in one more case, it's first signs were recorded. But 14 reconvalescents of ARS in the remote period after irradiation had not radiation cataract.Radiation cataract has not been detected in 14 reconvalescents of ARS in the remote period after irra- diation; the radiation doses of these patients significantly exceeds the threshold levels. Therefore, the absence of it's signs in the remote period in individuals exposed to doses above 2 Gy may indicate that this well-known radia- tion-induced effect is stochastic. Further analysis of the clinical features of the len's pathology in the reconvales- cents of ARS is promising for the study of the mechanism of damage to the lens in this category of victims of the Chornobyl accident.Meta: opysaty klinichni riznovydy katarakt, shcho sposterigaiut'sia u viddalenomu periodi u rekonvalestsentiv pislia perenesenoï gostroï promenevoï khvoroby (GPKh).Materialy i metody. Cherez dvadtsiat' chotyry – trydtsiat' try roky pislia avariy̆nogo oprominennia provedeno pov- ne oftal'mologichne obstezhennia 53 rekonvalestsentiv GPKh. Seredniy̆ vik patsiientiv na moment obstezhennia – (64,6 ± 1,2) rokiv, serednia doza oprominennia obstezhenykh (2,39 ± 0,17) Ґr. Oftal'mologichne obstezhennia vkliuchalo vizometriiu z korektsiieiu i bez, tonometriiu, avtorefraktokeratometriiu, biomikroskopiiu na shchilynniy̆ lampi, fotog- rafuvannia kryshtalyka v prokhidnomu svitli na fundus-kameri. Dlia otsinky rezul'tativ obstezhennia vykorystani statystychni metody: obchyslennia serednikh znachen' kil'kisnykh pokaznykiv, otsinka virogidnosti riznytsi za metodom St’iudenta.Rezul'taty. 10 patsiientiv (17 ochey̆) z 53 rekonvalestsentiv GPKh u viddalenomu periodi pislia oprominennia maly artyfakiiu pislia provedenogo khirurgichnogo likuvannia. U vsikh inshykh patsiientiv bulo vyiavleno zminy prozorosti kryshtalyka, prychomu u bil'shosti patsiientiv – kombinovani. Radiatsiy̆na katarakta z ïï kharakternoiu klinichnoiu kar- tynoiu bula vyiavlena u 32 osib, shche v odnomu vypadku zafiksovano ïï pershi oznaky. U 14 rekonvalestsentiv GPKh u viddalenomu periodi pislia oprominennia kharakternoï kliniky radiatsiy̆noï katarakty ne vyiavleno.Vysnovky. U 14 rekonvalestsentiv GPKh u viddalenomu periodi pislia oprominennia ne vyiavleno radiatsiy̆noï kata- rakty; dozy oprominennia tsykh patsiientiv znachno perevyshchuiut' rivni, iaki vvazhaiut' porogovymy. Tomu vidsutnist' ïï oznak u viddalenomu periodi u osib, oprominenykh u dozi ponad 2 Ґr, mozhe svidchyty, shcho tsey̆ vidomyy̆ radiatsiy̆no obumovlenyy̆ efekt ie stokhastychnym. Podal'shyy̆ analiz klinichnykh osoblyvostey̆ patologiï kryshtalyka v rekon- valestsentiv GPKh perspektyvnyy̆ dlia vyvchennia mekhanizmu ushkodzhennia kryshtalyka u tsiieï kategoriï postrazhdalykh vnaslidok Chornobyl's'koï katastrofy.
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