Autor: Željko Hederić, Marinko Barukčić, Krešimir Miklošević
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of Energy : Energija
Volume 58
Issue 1
ISSN: 1849-0751
DOI: 10.37798/2009581292
Popis: U literaturi koja se bavi problemom osovinskih struja uglavnom su obrađivane metode dijagnostike motora, koje samo promatraju i analiziraju frekvencije harmonika karakterističnih za osovinske struje. Analitički proračun amplituda tih struja nije dosad obrađivan za motore s homogenim jarmom, a da bi se mogle provesti pravilne mjere zaštite, bitno je odrediti točno parametre koji utječu na te struje. Osovinske struje su bitna komponenta struja koje električki oštećuju ležajeve i obično predstavljaju dominantan doprinos. Osobito je to važno za niskonaponske asinkrone motore, koji su prema podacima IEC-a motori s najvećom ekspanzijom primjene u industriji i za koje je u radu objašnjen analitički proračun osovinskih struja.
Literature dealing with the matter of shaft currents mostly elaborates on the methods of motor diagnostics which only observe and analyse harmonics frequencies characteristic for shaft currents. The analytic calculation of the amplitudes of those currents has not been analysed so far for homogenous yoke motors and, in order for correct protection measures to be undertaken, it is necessary to determine exactly the parameters which influence those currents. Shaft currents are an important component of the currents which electrically damage the bearings and usually represent the dominant contribution. This is especially important for low-voltage induction motors which, according to IEC’s data, are the motors with the widest application range in the industry. In this work, the analytic calculation of shaft currents is explained for those motors.
Databáze: OpenAIRE