The effect of level of non-degradable protein in diet on fattening parameters and digestibility of nutrients in lambs

Autor: Dragana Ruzic-Muslic, M. Zujovic, Nevena Maksimović, Zorica Bijelić, Predrag Perisic, Milan P. Petrović
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
ISSN: 2217-7140
DOI: 10.2298/bah1006329r
Popis: Results of the study of the effect of the level of nondegradable protein in diet on fattening performance and digestibility of nutrients in weaned lambs are presented in the paper. Objective of the study was to establish the optimal level of non-degradable protein in diets for weaned and intensively fattened lambs. Experiment was conducted on 60 lambs of F1 generation: Pirot Pramenka x Wurttemberg x Ile de France, weaned at the age of 60 days and divided into three groups. The effect of use of three concentrated mixtures which differed in the share of protein non-degradable at the level of rumen: 43% (I), 51% (II) and 58% (III). Average daily gain of lambs fed types of mixtures I:II:III was 0.169: 0.205 : 0.227 kg, respectively. Dry matter conversion (kg/kg of gain) on analogue treatments was: 4.54 : 3.71: 3.30, respectively, of energy (MJ NEM/kg) : 33.77: 29.37 : 26.25, and of total proteins (g/kg): 732 : 596 : 549. Level of intake of proteins was not influenced by the treatment considering that the digestibility coefficients recorded were: 52.58% : 51.30% : 55.12%. With the increase of the share of non-degradable protein in concentrate mixtures, the tendency of increase of the digestibility of fat was present: 76.13 : 77.98 : 87.17%, as well as of decrease of the intake of fibre: 67.40 : 45.87: 22.39% and NFE: 83.87 : 76.05 : 82.96%. Values of the dressing percentage of warm carcass with giblets according to nutrition types I:II:III were: 58.70 : 58.02 : 57.42%, respectively. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja različitih nivoa nerazgradivog proteina u obroku (43:51:58%) na tovne performanse i svarljivost hranljivih materija kod intenzivno tovljene jagnjadi. Ogled je izveden na 3 grupe po 20 meleza F1 generacije : pirotska pramenka x virtemberg x Ile de France zalučenih u uzrastu od 60 dana. Jagnjad su hranjena lucerkinim senom i izoproteinskim krmnim smešama koje su se razlikovale u pogledu udela nerazgradivog proteina. Dobijeni podaci su obrađeni standardnom statističkom analizom. Prosečna telesna masa jagnjadi na početku ogleda, na tretmanima I: II: III je iznosila: 18,08 : 18,12 : 18,17 kg, a na kraju : 30,78, 33,52 i 35,17 kg, dok je prosečan dnevni prirast bio: 0,169 : 0,205 : 0,227 kg. Po kilogramu prirasta jagnjadi je utrošeno: 4,54 : 3,71 : 3,30 kg suve materije; energije: 33,77: 29,37 : 26,25 MJ; ukupnih proteina: 732 : 596 : 549 g; Stepen usvajanja proteina nije bio pod uticajem ispitivanog tretmana, s obzirom da su koeficijenti svarljivosti iznosili: 52,58% : 51,30% : 55,12%. Sa povećanjem udela nerazgradivog proteina u smešama koncentrata, prisutna je tendencija povećanja svarljivosti masti : 76,13 : 77,98 : 87,17%, a smanjenja stepena usvajanja celuloze: 67,40 : 45,87: 22,39% i BEM-a: 83,87 : 76,05 : 82,96%. Vrednosti randmana toplog trupa sa glavom i iznutricama su iznosile: 58,70: 58,02 : 57,42%. Ova istraživanja su pokazala da su najbolje tovne performanse postigla jagnjad na tretmanu sa 58% NP, dok randman nije bio pod značajnijim uticajem ispitivanog tretmana.
Databáze: OpenAIRE