Die pneumatologiese lied: basisteoretiese perspektiewe (uit Romeine 8:1-27) en empiriese gegewens

Autor: B.J. de Klerk
Přispěvatelé: 10175946 - De Klerk, Barend Jacobus
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: In die Skriflig, Vol 38, Iss 2, Pp 195-216 (2004)
ISSN: 2305-0853
DOI: 10.4102/ids.v38i2.427
Popis: Pneumatological hymns: Basis-theoretical perspectives (according to Romans 8:1-21) and empirical facts In this article Romans 8:1-27 is investigated in order to trace basis-theoretical perspectives on pneumatological hymns and to determine empirically the scope and nature of pneumatological hymns in Psalmboek, Liedboek van die Kerk and Psalter Hymnal. The basis-theoretical investigation reveals that there is a pressing need for appropriate Scriptural hymns on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. Characteristics and functions of the Spirit that are essential to the church and her creeds are not found in current versifications of certain parts of Scripture. New hymns on the Person and work of the Spirit can preserve and breathe new life into creeds on the Holy Spirit, protect the congregation against fallacies and touch the hearts of doubters and unbelievers in a unique way. From the empirical facts an idea is formed of the state of affairs regarding the hymnology on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. An investigation into themes on the Person and work of the Spirit not present in current Scriptural hymns also leads to the conclusion that there is scope for new Scriptural hymns. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/ids.v38i2.427 http://www.inluceverbi.org.za/index.php/skriflig/article/viewFile/427/320
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