The analysis of coherent eeg activity in persons with different profiles of interhemispheric asymmetry during encoding the rhythm patterns

Autor: Alevtyna Morenko, Olha Pavlovuch, Olga Abramchuk, Andrii Andtii Poruchynskyi, Lyudmila Shvarcz
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: ScienceRise: Biological Science; № 1 (4) (2017); 17-21
ISSN: 2519-8025
Popis: Досліджено зміни когерентності електроенцефалограми кори головного мозку 170 осіб під час обробки ритмічних патернів. Встановлено збільшення когерентності в обстежуваних у скроневих, центральних і тім’яних ділянках кори та зниження - між лобовими. Зміни в лобових ділянках більшою мірою характерні для жінок із правобічним та осіб із лівобічним профілями асиметрії
There were studied the changes of coherence of encephalogram of brain cortex in 170 men and women with right-side and left side profiles of auricular asymmetry during auricular perception and manual reproduction (processing) of rhythm patterns. It was established, that the coherence of EEG fluctuations mainly in-creases in θ-, α- and β-diapasons of EEG in temporal, central and parietal zones of cortex during encoding of mono- and poly-phonic rhythm patterns in examined groups. The local decrease of coherence of α- and β-fluctuations was revealed during encod-ing of rhythm patterns in frontal zones, especially in right-profile women and left-profile persons. The cerebral processes at the increase of coherence in studied groups are provided by inte-gration of excitation processes in zones of encoding of sensor and motor information. The decrease of coherent connection between frontal branches demonstrates the decrease of direct-ed influence of pre-frontal cortex on the zones of processing of sensor and motor information at the period of activity of last ones. The role of such changes is more in women with right-side asymmetry profile and in persons with left-side one
Databáze: OpenAIRE