Structural effect of P278A mutation conferring breast cancer susceptibility in the p53 DNA-binding core domain

Autor: Y. Suneetha, C Kumaraswamy Naidu
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: BMC Proceedings
BMC Proceedings, Vol 6, Iss Suppl 6, p P50 (2012)
ISSN: 1753-6561
DOI: 10.1186/1753-6561-6-s6-p50
Popis: One of the common malignancies faced by womenaround the world is breast cancer. Risk factors for breastcancer include both genetic and non-genetic. Variants insome of the candidate genes are a common risk factor inbreast cancer. These genetic variants associated withbreast cancer can be classified as high, moderate or lowbased on relative risk [1]. Among them, genes that pre-dispose to high risk for breast cancer include TP53 ,BRCA1 ,BRCA2 ,PTEN ,STK11 and CDH1. A large num-ber of studies have assessed the prognostic and predictiverole of TP53 alterations in breast cancer. It is well knownthat TP53 is mutated in about 30% of breast cancers [2].We have analyzed the genetic variation that may alter theexpression and function of the TP53 gene using thesequence-homology-based SIFT tool [3] and a structure-based approach using the PolyPhen-2 server [4]. Thesetwo computational approaches showed that rs17849781(P278A) has a deleterious phenotypic effect conferring tobreast cancer. Further, we have analyzed the structuraleffect of the P278A mutation in the p53 DNA-bindingcore domain by employing different computationalmethods.
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