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We describe a gall midge Parampelomyia yukawai Elsayed and Tokuda gen. nov. sp. nov. belonging to the subtribe Schizomyiina (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Asphondyliini) based on an integrative taxonomic study. This species forms barely-swollen flower bud galls on the porcelain berry Ampelopsis brevipedunculata var. heterophylla (Vitaceae) in Japan. The new genus is distinguishable from all known schizomyiine genera by tarsomere I lacking a ventroapical extension, the bulbous base of the protrusible portion of the ovipositor, the fused and sclerotized female cerci, the bidentate gonostylus, and the larval terminal abdominal segment that bears two corniform, two asetose and six setose papillae. The new genus is compared with and separated from the similar genera Schizomyia and Ampelomyia morphologically and phylogenetically. |