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Bryliński Łukasz, Bura Agata, Duda Piotr, Drożak Paulina, Augustowska Katarzyna, Drożak Martyna. Predictors associated with studies and lifestyle and subjective feeling of depressive symptoms among Polish medical students. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2020;10(9):29‑47. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/JEHS.2020.10.09.004 https://apcz.umk.pl/czasopisma/index.php/JEHS/article/view/JEHS.2020.10.09.004 https://zenodo.org/record/4014240 The journal has had 5 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. § 8. 2) and § 12. 1. 2) 22.02.2019. © The Authors 2020; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license Share alike. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 10.08.2020. Revised: 15.08.2020. Accepted: 03.09.2020. Predictors associated with studies and lifestyle and subjective feeling of depressive symptoms among Polish medical students Łukasz Bryliński1, Agata Bura1, Piotr Duda1, Paulina Drożak1, KatarzynaAugustowska1, Martyna Drożak2 Chair and Department of Family Medicine, Medical University of Lublin. Medical University of Lublin Abstract Introduction and objective. Depression is a disorder that medical students are subjected to. The aim of the research was to investigate the occurrence of subjective feeling of depressive symptoms among Polish medical students during the course of medical studies and to determine predictors of this phenomenon that are associated with studies and lifestyle. Material and method. The research tool was author’s questionnaire. 1023 medical students from each year of medical education and different Polish universities took part in the study. Results. 52.79% of the respondents had noticed symptoms that might had pointed to depression during the course of their medical studies. The research suggests that predictors of subjective feeling of depressive symptoms among medical students are: repeating a university subject, repeating a year in university, low self-assessment of academic performance during studying, considering dropping out of university, low satisfaction from the choice of studying medicine, reaching for alcohol in order to de-stress or discharge negative emotions, not having interests that enable to relax, not doing sports regularly, not participating in social gatherings often enough, not sleeping enough, having problems with maintaining stable body weight and not being religious. Conclusions. There are many lifestyle and studies connected factors associated with depressive symptoms among Polish medical students. The study suggests that it is important for students and their communities to pay attention to the emergence of them in order to improve the well-being of students. Key words: medical students; depression |