Characterization of surface adhesins of lactobacilli used in production of probiotic preparations

Autor: A. V. Ermolaev, I. V. Anokhina, V. L. Chesnokova, E. G. Kravtsov, N. V. Yashina, M. V. Dalin
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 141:716-719
ISSN: 1573-8221
Popis: We examined production of the protein-lipoteichoic complex detectable by concanavalin A in six lactobacillus strains. A correlation was found between detection of this complex by both reaction with concanavalin A and agglutination with strain-specific antiserum. The cultures were characterized by expression of different types of adhesins. Among them, strains were differentiated with low adhesion activity and intensive production of the protein-lipoteichoic complex and strains with wide adhesin spectrum not producing the complex. We assume that a combination of lactobacillus variants differing in production of the protein-lipoteichoic complex and adhesion potency can be a basis of efficient probiotic preparation.
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