Cutaneous Amebiasis: The Importance of Molecular Diagnosis of an Emerging Parasitic Disease

Autor: Marco Gudiño, Miguel Reyes, Manuel Ramiro, Tobias Portillo, Patricia Morán, Miriam Nieves, Cecilia Ximénez, Eric Hernández, Oswaldo Partida, René Cerritos, Valeria Zermeño, Griselda Montes de Oca, Enrique González, Liliana Rojas, Alicia Valadez
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 88:186-190
ISSN: 1476-1645
DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.2012.12-0278
Popis: Cutaneous amebiasis is the least common clinical form of human amebiasis in Mexico, sexual amebiasis was only occasionally observed before the late 1980s. However, in the last few decades, most of the documented cases of cutaneous amebiasis from around the world are sexually transmitted. We present two cases of sexually transmitted genital amebiasis. The molecular characterization of the Entamoeba species in the affected tissues underlines the importance of an etiological diagnosis using specific and sensitive techniques that avoid the rapid destruction of tissues and the irreversible sequelae to the anatomy and function of the affected organs. In addition, for those interested in the study of the human-amoebic disease relationship and its epidemiology, the detection of a new, mixed infection in an invasive case of amebiasis reveals new perspectives in the study of the extraordinarily complex host-parasite relationship in amebiasis.
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