Unusual presentation of De Garengeot hernia

Autor: Ashish Shrestha, Abu Kamal Nahid, Angelos Mantelakis, Chang Woo Lee
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: BMJ Case Rep
Popis: De Garengeot hernia describes a rare phenomenon in which a vermiform appendix is found in a femoral hernia sac. We describe a case of De Garengeot hernia presenting as a groin lump associated with loss of appetite, weight loss and fatigue. A 72-year-old woman was referred to our rapid access 2-week clinic as isolated lymphadenopathy with a 4-week history of a gradual right groin swelling accompanied by an unintentional weight loss, lethargy and anorexia. An urgent excisional lymph node biopsy was performed preceding the CT scan of the chest, abdomen and pelvis. The biopsy showed a shaving of appendix wall, and the CT scan revealed a right-sided femoral hernia with appendix as its content. The patient was urgently contacted for a laparoscopic appendicectomy and an open right femoral hernia repair. The patient recovered well postoperatively, and her systemic symptoms fully resolved when reviewed 10 weeks after the operation.
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