The ABC130 barrel module prototyping programme for the ATLAS strip tracker

Autor: Philip Phillips, Geoffrey Taylor, K. Mahboubi, T.L. Stack, J. S. Keller, V. Platero, Bo Li, Chloe Gray, S. Gu, E. Mladina, Tony Weidberg, N. Starinsky, Konstantinos Nikolopoulos, Xinchou Lou, Y. S. Ng, Craig Sawyer, Ulrich Parzefall, Carlos Lacasta, Alexander Grillo, A. Rodriguez Rodriguez, J. Ashby, M. Mikuž, Heiko Lacker, Frederik Rühr, J. Steentoft, A. Mitra, J. Oechsle, T. Yu, Vitaliy Fadeyev, Emma Buchanan, Jens Dopke, Richard Brenner, Francis Anghinolfi, P. Sanethavong, M. Wiehe, Bruce Gallop, J. Fernandez-Tejero, Nigel Hessey, Matthew Gignac, Steven Worm, Bernd Stelzer, C. David, A. Hunter, S. Kachiguin, Nedaa Asbah, J. J. John, N. Dressnandt, G. Greig, D. Hamersly, Andrej Gorišek, C. Fleta, S. Paowell, W. Lu, Alessia Renardi, C. Li, Timon Frank-thomas Heim, Laura Rehnisch, P. M.Vicente Leitao, Laura Gonella, Karola Dette, L. Chen, Carles Solaz, Z. Li, X. Shi, M. Wormald, Christian Scharf, Miguel Ullan, S. Kilani, Cameron James Simpson-allsop, M. Morii, Cole Michael Helling, Tristan Andrew Ruggeri, Xin Chen, M. Hauser, Eleni Myrto Asimakopoulou, M. Bochenek, M. Stegler, K. J. R. Cormier, Marianna Liberatore, J. Chen, Mohammad Jawad Kareem, J. Yarwick, A. A. Affolder, Peiliang Liu, H. F.W. Sadrozinski, A. Halgheri, M R M Warren, Vladimir Cindro, Dominique Anderson Trischuk, Hannah Herde, Paul Keener, E. Anderssen, David Lynn, E. Staats, Thomas Koffas, Prajita Bhattarai, Filipe Sousa, John Wilson, Alessandro Tricoli, A. Greenall, Abhishek Sharma, Guillem Vidal, Gregory James Ottino, A. Nikolica, I. Carr, Igor Mandić, Ingrid-Maria Gregor, S.L. Beaupré, S. Snow, Robert Orr, N. Reardon, Othmane Rifki, Zhijun Liang, Guy Rosin, Mogens Dam, Laura Jean Bergsten, Martin Renzmann, Kun Liu, J. Gunnell, E. Filmer, J.V. Civera, Diksha Garg, Stefan Schmitt, Alessandra Ciocio, Yi Yang, Dag Ingemar Gillberg, Andrew Blue, L. A. M. Wiik-Fuchs, F. Doherty, Priscilla Pani, K. Zhang, S. Edwards, Marcel Vreeswijk, José Bernabéu, F. Grant, Geoffrey Mullier, Jiri Kroll, Abraham Seiden, Jason Lea Oliver, N. J. Kang, S. Neha Santpur, C. García Argos, J.-H. Arling, L. Boynton, G. Van Nieuwenhuizen, Juergen Thomas, Krzysztof Swientek, Jean-Francois Arguin, E. Cornell, M. Newcomer, J. DeWitt, J. Kaplon, Dengfeng Zhang, P. León, R. Witharm, A. Platero, Tim Jones, Yang Li, Yuanbo Chen, Brendon Bullard, A. Tigchelaar, Richard Teuscher, T.E. Haugen, Volker Prahl, Bart Hommels, Marcela Mikestikova, L. Bartsch, Alison Lister, D. La Marra, Craig Wiglesworth, T. Tran, J. Botte, Thomas Lohse, D. Monzat, Z. Luce, Wladyslaw Dabrowski, Stefania Antonia Stucci, U. Malik, Marcel Michael Stanitzki, S. Wonsak, Maosen Zhou, C. Haber, Francesco Guescini, J. Barreiro Guimarães da Costa, Sinead Farrington, Edoardo Rossi, Zachary Michael Schillaci, S. Mägdefessel, Alyssa Montalbano, K. Jewkes, James Baker Beacham, Paul Jackson, M. Key-Charriere, F. Capocasa, C.W. Chao, B. Crick, Jonas Neundorf, Stefania Xella, Jia Jian Teoh, Ben Brueers, J. P. Martin, Kunlin Ran, Gregor Kramberger, C. Beichert, R. MacFadyen, Hella Leonie Snoek, F. Martinez-McKinney, J. Glover, Olivier Arnaez, Karol Krizka, Susanne Kuehn, Phillip Allport, Matthew Glenn Kurth, Jos Vermeulen, Trevor Vickey, Dennis Sperlich, F. Wizemann, L. Poley, D. Giovinazzo, William James Fawcett, C. Grant, C. Paillard, Gabriella Sciolla, Dylan Perry Kisliuk, Sonia Carra, Ingo Bloch, Naim Bora Atlay, Christoph Thomas Klein, Hongbo Zhu, Gabriel Demontigny, P. Rymaszewski, Sergio Diez, Sarah Heim, Yoshinobu Unno, R. Gupta, J. Lönker, Jan Cedric Honig, C. Labitan, Sagar Addepalli, U. Soldevila, Z. Galloway, Wendy Taylor, S. Pyatt, P. Goettlicher, Matthew Joseph Basso, G. A. Beck, B. Allongue, Sarah Williams, T.A. Johnson
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
Physics::Instrumentation and Detectors
Computer science
Barrel (horology)
quality: monitoring
01 natural sciences
High Energy Physics - Experiment
upgrade [tracking detector]
Subatomär fysik
High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
Computer graphics (images)
Front-end electronics for detector readout
Subatomic Physics
Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Mathematical Physics
microstrip [semiconductor detector]
Instrumentation and Detectors (physics.ins-det)
Si microstrip and pad detectors
semiconductor detector: microstrip
Particle Physics - Experiment
Radiation-hard detectors
FOS: Physical sciences
Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation
Particle detector
semiconductor detector: pixel
monitoring [quality]
Atlas (anatomy)
0103 physical sciences
010306 general physics
pixel [semiconductor detector]
010308 nuclear & particles physics
tracking detector: upgrade
Acceleratorfysik och instrumentering
integrated circuit: readout
readout [integrated circuit]
electronics: readout
High Energy Physics::Experiment
Detector design and construction technologies and materials
readout [electronics]
Zdroj: Poley, L, Sawyer, C, Addepalli, S, Affolder, A A, Allongue, B, Allport, P, Anderssen, E, Anghinolfi, F, Arguin, J-F, Arling, J-H, Arnaez, O, Asbah, N A, Ashby, J, Asimakopoulou, E M, Atlay, N B, Bartsch, L, Basso, M J, Beacham, J, Beaupre, S L, Beck, G, Beichert, C, Bergsten, L, Bernabeu, J, Bhattarai, P, Bloch, T, Blue, A J, Bochenek, M, Botte, J, Boynton, L, Brenner, R, Brueers, B, Buchanan, E, Bullard, B, Capocasa, F, Carr, A M, Carra, S, Chao, C W, Chen, J, Chen, L, Chen, Y, Chen, X, Cindro, Ciocio, A, Civera, J, Cormier, K, Cornell, E, Crick, B, Dabrowski, W, Dam, M, David, C, Demontigny, G, Dette, K, DeWitt, J, Diez, S, Doherty, F, Dopke, J, Dressnandt, N, Edwards, S, Fadeyev, Farrington, S, Fawcett, W, Fernandez-Tejero, J, Filmer, E, Fleta, C, Gallop, B, Galloway, Z, Argos, C G, Garg, D, Gignac, M, Gillberg, D, Giovinazzo, D, Glover, J, Goettlicher, P, Gonella, L, Gorisek, A, Grant, C, Grant, F, Gray, C, Greenall, A, Gregor, I, Greig, G, Grillo, A A, Gu, S, Guescini, F, da Costa, J B G, Gunnell, J, Gupta, R, Haber, C, Halgheri, A, Hamersly, D, Haugen, T E, Hauser, M, Heim, S, Heim, T, Helling, C, Herde, H, Hessey, N P, Hommels, B, Hoenig, J C, Hunter, A, Jackson, P, Jewkes, K, John, J J, Johnson, T A, Jones, T, Kachiguin, S, Kang, N, Kaplon, J, Kareem, M, Keener, P, Keller, J, Key-Charriere, M, Kilani, S, Kisliuk, D, Klein, C T, Koffas, T, Kramberger, G, Krizka, K, Kroll, J, Kuehn, S, Kurth, M, Labitan, C, Lacasta, C, Lacker, H, Leon, P, Li, B, Li, C, Li, Y, Li, Z, Liang, Z, Liberatore, M, Lister, A, Liu, K, Liu, P, Lohse, T, Loenker, J, Lou, X, Lu, W, Luce, Z, Lynn, D, MacFadyen, R, Maegdefessel, S, Mahboubi, K, Malik, U, Mandic, V, La Marra, D, Martin, J, Martinez-Mckinney, F, Mikestikova, M, Mikuz, M, Mitra, A, Mladina, E, Montalbano, A, Monzat, D, Morii, M, Mullier, G, Neundorf, J, Newcomer, M, Ng, Y, Nikolica, A, Nikolopoulos, K, Oechsle, J, Oliver, J, Orr, R S, Ottino, G, Paillard, C, Pani, P, Paowell, S, Parzefall, U, Phillips, P W, Platero, A, Platero, G, Prahl, J, Pyatt, S, Ran, K, Reardon, N, Rehnisch, L, Renardi, A, Renzmann, M, Rifki, O, Rodriguez, A R, Rosin, G, Rossi, E, Ruggeri, T, Ruehr, F, Rymaszewski, P, Sadrozinski, H F-W, Sanethavong, P, Santpur, S N, Scharf, C, Schillaci, Z, Schmitt, S, Sharma, A, Sciolla, G, Seiden, A, Shi, X, Simpson-Allsop, C, Snoek, H, Snow, S, Solaz, C, Soldevila, U, Sousa, F, Sperlich, D, Staats, E, Stack, T L, Stanitzki, M, Starinsky, N, Steentoft, J, Stegler, M, Stelzer, B, Stucci, S, Swientek, K, Taylor, G N, Taylor, W, Teoh, J J, Teuscher, R, Thomas, J, Tigchelaar, A, Tran, T, Tricoli, A, Trischuk, D A, Unno, Y, van Nieuwenhuizen, G, Ullan, M, Vermeulen, J, Leitao, P V, Vickey, T, Vidal, G, Vreeswijk, M, Warren, M, Weidberg, T, Wiehe, M, Wiglesworth, C, Wiik-Fuchs, L, Williams, S, Wilson, J, Witharm, R, Wizemann, F, Wonsak, S, Worm, S, Wormald, M, Xella, S, Yang, Y, Yarwick, J, Yu, T, Zhang, D, Zhang, K, Zhou, M & Zhu, H 2020, ' The ABC130 barrel module prototyping programme for the ATLAS strip tracker ', Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 15, no. 9, 09004 .
Journal of Instrumentation 15(09), P09004 (2020). doi:10.1088/1748-0221/15/09/P09004
ISSN: 1748-0221
Popis: Journal of Instrumentation 15(09), P09004 (2020). doi:10.1088/1748-0221/15/09/P09004
For the Phase-II Upgrade of the ATLAS Detector [1], its Inner Detector, consisting of silicon pixel, silicon strip and transition radiation sub-detectors, will be replaced with an all new 100% silicon tracker, composed of a pixel tracker at inner radii and a strip tracker at outer radii. The future ATLAS strip tracker will include 11,000 silicon sensor modules in the central region (barrel) and 7,000 modules in the forward region (end-caps), which are foreseen to be constructed over a period of 3.5 years. The construction of each module consists of a series of assembly and quality control steps, which were engineered to be identical for all production sites. In order to develop the tooling and procedures for assembly and testing of these modules, two series of major prototyping programs were conducted: an early program using readout chips designed using a 250 nm fabrication process (ABCN-250) [2,2] and a subsequent program using a follow-up chip set made using 130 nm processing (ABC130 and HCC130 chips). This second generation of readout chips was used for an extensive prototyping program that produced around 100 barrel-type modules and contributed significantly to the development of the final module layout. This paper gives an overview of the components used in ABC130 barrel modules, their assembly procedure and findings resulting from their tests.
Published by Inst. of Physics, London
Databáze: OpenAIRE