Autor: Marija Kučinskienė, Albinas Marčinskas
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Regional formation and development studies 2013, Nr. 2 (10), p. 98-110.
ISSN: 2351-6542
Popis: Straipsnyje atskleidžiamas įvairiapusis požiūris į verslo aplinkos strateginės vadybos svarbą, rengiant verslo plėtros strategines kryptis politinių, ekonominių, socialinių ir kitų sprendimų kontekste. Autoriai akcentuoja šiuolaikinės aplinkos reikšmę naujiems rizikingiems sumanymams atsirasti ir pagrindžia politinių sprendimų, priimamų vyriausybės programų pagrindu, svarbą šalies ekonomikos plėtrai perspektyvos požiūriu. Pateiktos įžvalgos apibūdinti verslo plėtros galimybes. In recent years, significance of a multidimensional approach to the business environment, strategic management, both economic development and enlargement is rapidly growing. A trajectory of a country, its economic activity, and business sectors’ growth and development opportunities depends on ability to focus onto both business and government participants’ political decisions interaction that direct to the search of new business development opportunities in the integrated and open to investors’ global economy. In a rapidly changing contemporary world it is important to create such political, legal, economic, social, cultural and technological preconditions that enable any economic entity to be an attractive place to invest into the modernization of business processes, services and industry development, which would open up possibilities of integration into international value chains and become more competitive in global environment. Evaluation of business environment and formation of business development strategic directions in the context of political decisions is disclosed in the investigation of the governments’ programs of the Republic of Lithuania. Most importantly, that the continuously operating institution of strategic planning would be able to arrange national strategy preparation and monitoring, and any state issues of vital importance would be an object of national referendums. Responding to increasingly accelerating integration processes’ an organizational model should start to operate, that combine into one system not just the national strategy planning institution, the Government and the Parliament, but also an economic activity, a sector, a business entity, as well as would encourage business development and ensure the country’s economic growth.
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