Treatment of Erythromelanosis Follicularis Faciei et Colli Using a Dual-Wavelength Laser System: A Split-Face Treatment

Autor: Huachen Wei, John Z S Chen, Hong-Duo Chen, Xing-Hua Gao, Yan Wu, Xia Zhu, Yuan-Hong Li
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Dermatologic Surgery. 36:1344-1347
ISSN: 1076-0512
DOI: 10.1111/j.1524-4725.2010.01637.x
Popis: A 20-year-old man developed redness and roughnesson the cheek at the age of 12. Physical examinationrevealed well-defined but irregular areas of erythemawith telangiectasia and mild hyperpigmentation in-volving the preauricular and submandibular areas ofthe neck. The skin texture was rough and dry, withmany follicular papules (Figure 1A and B). Promi-nent keratosis pilaris was appreciated on the shoul-ders, lateral arms, and thighs, with mild erythemaaround the hair follicles.The patient was initially treated using intense pulsedlight (IPL) on both sides of the face at intervalsof 3 to 4 weeks. The settings for Lumenis One(Lumenis Co., Santa Clara, CA) were single pass,560/590-nm filters, double or triple pulse, 3.0-mspulse width, 30-ms pulse delay, a starting fluenceof 15J/cm
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