Boron neutron capture enhancement of 252Cf brachytherapy

Autor: Manzar Ashtari, Yosh Maruyama, J.L. Beach, Carter B. Schroy, Michael R. Harris
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. 18(6)
ISSN: 0360-3016
Popis: Dosimetric and radiobiological studies were undertaken to investigate the potential enhancement in dose, dose distribution and cell killing effectiveness of 252Cf brachytherapy achievable when boron-10 enriched compounds are incorporated into simulated 252Cf brain implants. Thermal neutron distributions in a human head phantom containing a 252Cf source were measured by gold foil activation and calculated using a 1-dimensional transport code. This information was then used to modify measured event size distributions for 252Cf neutrons to determine the corresponding increase in dose and dose equivalent throughout the phantom. The addition of subtoxic levels of boron-10 to a typical 252Cf implant was found to significantly enhance both the absorbed dose and the high LET event frequency at distances of 3 to 5 cm from individual sources. Some unexpected geometric considerations are discussed. Reduced survival of cultured Chinese hamster cells correlated with the predicted increase in absorbed dose from the capture events with a concentration of about 60 micrograms 10B per ml in the culture medium. It was found that boron increased alpha (the "single-hit" parameter of the linear quadratic survival model) by 32% and decreased beta (the "double-hit" parameter) by 8%. The alpha/beta ratio increased to 4.34 Gy in the presence of boron, from 3.03 Gy in its absence. This translated to an 8% reduction in californium dose needed to effect 10% cell survival. It is concluded that there is a sufficiently high thermal neutron fluence present during californium brachytherapy for boron neutron capture dose augmentation to be feasible.
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