Thrombus straddling a patent foramen ovale, pulmonary embolism and paradoxical embolism: a rare trifecta

Autor: Murad Abdelsalam, Rachel S. Dada, Jafar Dada, Yashwant Agrawal
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: BMJ Case Rep
ISSN: 1757-790X
DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2018-227505
Popis: A 55-year-old male presented to the emergency room after awakening with left facial droop, left-sided weakness and garbled speech. Vitals were significant for hypotension (73/43 mm Hg) and hypothermia (35.3°C). Physical examination was significant for left facial droop, dysarthria, bilateral upper extremity strength 4/5, bilateral lower extremity strength 3/5. Laboratory tests were significant for leucocytosis of 16.9×109/L thou/mcL, lactic acid 2.5 mmol/L, creatinine 3.07 mg/dL and troponin 0.07 ng/mL. Chest X-ray revealed no acute process. Head CT revealed no acute process with old right basal ganglia and right frontal lobe infarcts. Head and neck magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) revealed no blockages or aneurysmal dilatations. Brain MRI revealed three areas of diffusion restriction in left temporal occipital lobe, compatible with acute infarcts. Tissue plasminogen activator was not given since he was outside the window. Stroke work-up was ordered, pancultures were sent, broad-spectrum antibiotics were started, and he was sent to the intensive care unit. Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) revealed an …
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