The effectiveness of short-duration in-feed organic acid use in finisher pigs for Salmonella control at slaughter

Autor: Hannah Jones, Daniel Gilson, Rebecca J. Gosling, Claire Oastler, Robert H. Davies, Richard P. Smith
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Preventive veterinary medicine. 209
ISSN: 1873-1716
Popis: Reducing the risk of Salmonella contaminated pork products entering the food chain is important for improving food safety. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the short-duration use of three acidified feed interventions in finisher pigs for reducing the faecal shedding, caecal carriage and carcase contamination of Salmonella at slaughter. We also investigated the presence of Salmonella in transportation vehicles and abattoir lairages used prior to slaughter. In a series of seven farm trials, two groups of pigs received either their normal ration (control), or a ration containing one of three organic acid products (intervention) for a four-week period before slaughter. Product A was trialled on five farms, and Products B and C were trialled on one farm each, included in the ration of intervention pigs at the manufacturers recommended rate. Faecal samples were collected and examined before and after the four-week intervention; caecal content samples and carcase swab samples were collected at slaughter. The lorry used to transport pigs to slaughter and abattoir lairage pens used to hold pigs were also sampled. During one trial (farm ID: AT03), no Salmonella was detected during either farm visit, and therefore this farm was excluded from further analysis of the effectiveness of organic acid interventions. Overall regression analysis indicated there was no significant difference in faecal shedding between the control groups at the baseline visit and the follow-up visit in pigs which received Product A (P = 0.262) or Product B (P = 0.094) in comparison to the control groups. On the other hand, there was evidence to suggest that the use of Product C was associated with an increase in faecal shedding compared to the control groups (P0.001). Similarly, Product A was not significantly associated (P 0.05) with the caecal carriage of Salmonella. However, Product B (P = 0.029) and Product C (P = 0.050) were associated with an increase in caecal carriage in comparison to the control groups. These latter products were only trialled on one farm each, and these results may be attributable to natural random variation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE