Modificações biopsicossociais de um militar com deficiência aderente ao Projeto João do Pulo (Núcleo CCFEx) – Estudo de caso longitudinal

Autor: Míriam Raquel Meira Mainenti, Ângela Nogueira Neves, Luiz Henrique Gomes Fonseca, Laise Lourdes Pereira Tavares de Souza, Alessandra Cristina Mapeli Lincoln, José Augusto Glycério de Castro
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Revista de Educação Física, Vol 89, Iss 2 (2020)
ISSN: 2447-8946
Popis: Introduction: The Brazilian Ministry of Defense instituted the Joao do Pulo Project (JPP), to be one of the pilot centers in the Brazilian Army Center for Physical Training (BACPT), for the rehabilitation of military personnel who have acquired disabilities throughout their careers. Objective: To examine the effects of eight months of PJP on the perception of quality of life (QOL), personal valorization, social integration, self-perceived benefits, body composition and blood biochemical parameters of the first military with a disability adhering to the project. Methods: Experimental and longitudinal case study. Sample: the first military to participate in the proposal in full of the JPP, BACPT nucleus. First evaluation: WHOQOL-Bref, WHOQOL-Dis-PD, dual energy X-ray (DXA), complete blood count, lipidogram and glucose. After eight months of physical and sports training at the PJP, the initial test battery and a semi-structured interview were repeated. Results: There was an improvement in personal valuation (+6.3%) and social integration (+9.8%), as well as in the perception of QOL in the physical (+17.8%), psychological (+12.5%) domains , social relations (+8.4%), level of independence (+3.1%) and the discrimination aspect (+25%). Decreases were observed in the facet’s autonomy (-8.3%) and inclusion (-4.2%). Fat mass decreased (-26.8%) and lean mass increased (+6.0%). There were adjustments in hematocrit and blood lipids. The military summed up his assessment of the project as "Life Change". Conclusion: The participation of the military studied in the PJP promoted an improvement in: perception of personal valorization, social integration, quality of life, body composition and biochemical parameters, demonstrating the project's effectiveness in the military with disabilities adhering to the PJP, CCFEx nucleus.
Databáze: OpenAIRE