High-protein maize in diets for growing pigs

Autor: M. Lo Pinto, Samantha Sigolo, Adriano Marocco, Mauro Morlacchini, Aldo Prandini
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Animal Feed Science and Technology. 165:105-110
ISSN: 0377-8401
DOI: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2011.02.014
Popis: The objective of the study was to evaluate three commercial hybrids of high-protein maize against conventional maize using growing pigs in a 42 day performance study. The following experimental diets were compared: (1) basal diet containing conventional maize (control); (2) diet containing hybrid IPM1; (3) diet containing hybrid IPM2; and (4) diet containing hybrid IPM3. The diets were offered to female and castrated male commercial piglets (MBI LW, Fomeva; 36 pigs/treatment) in 2 phases: starter (D0–21) and finisher (D22–42). The 36 piglets for each dietary treatment were divided into 9 pens (replicates), with each pen containing 4 piglets of the same sex (5 and 4 pens with castrated males and females, respectively). The animals were housed in 5 rooms. The diets were assigned to the pens in a randomised complete block design and all the diets were iso-nitrogenous and iso-energetic. The protein contents of the high-protein maize hybrids were from 14.7 to 38.2% higher than the conventional maize and, with the exception of lysine, contained higher levels of both essential and non essential amino acids. The high-protein maize hybrids also contained more oil (range 19.4–53.1%) and less starch (range 14.5–17.9%) than the conventional maize. The pigs fed the diet based on IPM2 ate more feed in the second period (D22–42) (782, 744, 970 and 730 g/d, respectively, in conventional, IPM1, IPM2, and IPM3 maize; with P
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