Autor: Antonenko Maryna, Zelinskaya Natalia, Sayapina Lada, Znachkova Olena, Shuminskaya Tetana, Zhegulovich Zinaida, Reshetnyk Ljudmila, Melnychuk Tamara
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3987421
Popis: Postgraduate education, as one of the "final" stages of the educational process, requires a specific pedagogical approach and requires its development to the status of "permanent process" or "lifelong education". The motivation for this should be formed at all stages of vocational training, beginning graduation. At the stage of postgraduate education, during the internship, the emphasis should be on expanding the range of professional thinking, more thorough understanding and understanding by the interns of fundamental and applied knowledge, gaining and deepening understanding of management and legal aspects of medical activity, humanization. The purpose is to improve the quality of postgraduate education of interns by developing and applying classroom and nonauditory forms of training based on the principles of the department's scientific and practical partnership with research institutes and private medical high-tech institutions. Materials and methods. Leading professors and associate professors of the department of dentistry, specialists of the adjacent departments of fundamental disciplines of Bogomolets National Medical University and research institutes were involved in the achievement of the goal, integration with the department of leading private dental clinics and medical centers was conducted. Results and discussion. The overwhelming number of doctors in postgraduate education have formed a stable configuration of a qualitatively new level of clinical thinking, as well as the motivation for the need for permanent training in medical skills. The concept of "final stage" of internship training for interns has become somewhat conventional. The results of the anonymous questionnaire showed a high level of individual educational motivation and confidence in successful employment in the private sector of dental services with the modern high-tech level of providing medical and diagnostic process. Conclusions. The chosen strategy and tactics of the implementation of the combined technologies in the pedagogical process of teaching dentists-interns will allow them to achieve professional level and competitiveness in the world labor market. The prospect of further research will be in the comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the level of postgraduate education of interns-dentists, taking into account the differentiated choice of innovative methods and teaching technologies.
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