Constitutionality study of article 57´s paragraphe in the law 1453 of 2011

Autor: Illiana Andrea Sánchez Gil, Javier Alberto Alcárcel Cepeda
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Revista Jurídica Mario Alario D'filippo, Vol 9, Iss 17 (2017)
Repositorio Universidad de Cartagena
Universidad de Cartagena
instacron:Universidad de Cartagena
ISSN: 2256-2796
DOI: 10.32997/2256-2796-vol.9-num.17-2017-1543
Popis: La Ley 1453 de 2011, en el paragrafo del articulo 57, redujo el beneficio de descuento punitivo consagrado en el articulo 351 del C.P.P. cuando el imputado se allana a cargos, y fue declarado exequible por la Corte Constitucional a traves de la sentencia C-645 del 24 de agosto de 2012. Este trabajo realiza un estudio de dicha normatividad a la luz de los principios de igualdad, legalidad, proporcionalidad, lealtad procesal, y ademas las garantias consagradas e integradas por via del bloque de constitucionalidad, de lo cual se concluyo que no solo atenta dicha normatividad contra la estructura del sistema penal acusatorio y las garantias precitadas, sino contra los parametros trazados por los diferentes instrumentos internacionales suscritos y aprobados por Colombia que se han integrado a nuestro ordenamiento interno, toda vez que desconoce principios hermeneuticos que estructuran el favor rei como es el pro homine, pues ignora la interpretacion mas favorable en terminos de sancion punitiva y de libertad del justiciable. Se deja en evidencia la falta de coherencia de la politica criminal del Estado y el poco rigor juridico en la decision analizada de la Corte Constitucional. ABSTRACT The paragraph of article 57 of the Colombian Law 1453 of 2011 reduced the benefit of punitive discount enshrined in article 351 of the Criminal Procedure Code when the defendant acquiesces to the charges. This law was declared constitutional by the Constitutional Court through Judgment C -645 of august 24, 2012. The purpose of this paper is to analyze this law in the light of the principles of equality, legality, proportionality, procedural loyalty, as well as the guarantees established and integrated in the Colombian legal system through the constitutionality block. Based on such analysis, the author concluded that, not only does the law attempt against the structure of the adversarial system and the guarantees mentioned above, but also against the parameters set by the various international instruments signed and ratified by Colombia that have been integrated into our domestic law, as it ignores hermeneutical principles that structure the favor rei such as pro homine by ignoring the most favorable interpretation in terms of punitive measures and freedom of the defendant. The lack of coherence of the criminal justice policy and the deficiency in the legal rigor and analysis in the decision of the Constitutional Court is evidenced in this law. KEY WORDS Unconstitutional, proportionality, legality, procedural fairness, equality, pro homine.
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